Fifty-Three Asiel

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The tires on the black truck hit another bump on the road, causing all our bodies to jolt upward

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The tires on the black truck hit another bump on the road, causing all our bodies to jolt upward. Limon rolls down the window, letting his head hang out to revel in the crisp air. His green cheeks slowly regain their color as he takes short, steady breaths. Limon gets carsick on hectic rides like tonight.

My nerves spike to the highest point of the mountain, causing my hands to tremble. I don't fully understand why I'm anxious. Compared to what Mika and Mateo have to do, my job is a piece of cake. I'm driving to Luka's mansion with four trucks filled with my most trustful soldiers. The estate is bound to be protected by at least a dozen of Velazquez men, but we can take them.

The busy, vibrant streets shift to silent rural lands as we drive closer to Luka's mansion. Any sign of interference is miles away. Perfect. We don't need a civilian wandering to Luka's house when we attack. Limon grips the car handle, his knuckles turning white as he covers his mouth, releasing a burp.

"How much longer?" Limon forces out.

Julian gives him a blank look through the car mirror. "Ten minutes. Suck it up."

Limon slams his head on the cushion and closes his eyes. "Jesus, give me strength."

A small smirk creeps onto my lips.

For once, I'm not the one about to throw up. Pacho removes his Airpods and nudges his elbow into my chest to get my attention. With taut brows, I follow Pacho's gaze to his lit computer screen and watch him scroll through the cameras in Luka's estate. On the screen, a few soldiers are caught in their straight stance with guns in their arms.

"The cameras pinpoint about twenty of Luka's men," Pacho explains, tapping his pointer finger on the laptop. "His family is away on vacation. We will not have to worry about fighting any of them, except Enzo. But I assume he's going to be next to Luka."


"Right now, I'm recording all the footage, so I can play it back while you guys attack," Pacho says, showing the looping footage on his laptop. "It will give Luka a sense of false security. But not for long. I'm sure once he realizes you aren't there, and the footage hasn't changed, that something is wrong."

"About how long we have?" I ask, gnawing at my lip.

Pacho blinks, calculating the math silently in his head. "Thirty to forty minutes after the fake ambush starts. Give or take." My throat dries up like a shriveled fruit as Mika invades my mind. It's like Pacho can read my thoughts and switch the screen to the cameras at the warehouse, zooming in on Mika.

An average person wouldn't be all dolled up for a showdown, but Mika is different. She is sporting a black leather jumpsuit, giving her unearthly curves even more dimension. Mika has a gun strap on her shoulder, hovering over the railing with Mateo beside her. They're observing the soldiers unloading the materials from the trucks.

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