Thirty-One Asiel

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The gash across my knuckles stings as Mika drags the cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol over it

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The gash across my knuckles stings as Mika drags the cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol over it. Honestly, my entire body aches and feels worn out from my erratic outburst. The adrenaline conquered my body like a ruler from a rundown city, leaving destruction in its wake. A part of my soul feels empowered to watch every single person fumble to their feet at the sight of me. But another part regrets losing a piece of myself to the darkness, to the black void, becoming a leader steers to.

It's what I need.

To bungee jump down the cliff of darkness, bouncing back to the faint white clouds in the sky. Mika will be my lifeline, the cables around my body, having the power to force me back into the light if I ever lose myself. She's admirable like that. Mika controls the darkness and light within her soul. Better than anyone I had ever seen.

Her black hair cascades past her shoulders, obscuring her stunning face as she focuses on my bloody knuckles. A flush creeps up my neck when her lips curve into an 'O' shape as she blows on my wound. Ignoring the glaring heartbeat, I use my pointer finger to sweep the locks from in front of her face and place them behind her ears.

She shudders ever so slightly as her gaze floats upward, meeting mine. The silence is suffocating, making the beat of my heart twenty times louder. Her lips tilt at the edge in amusement since I'm probably wearing all my emotions on my face, like always. Taking her time, she wraps the white band along my knuckles, making sure it's perfectly straight.

"You never mentioned the ring."

My eyebrows brunches together as I lift my hand with the ring. "What. This?"

"Yeah," Mika drags out. "You never said it was a purity ring."

I laugh, poking my cheek with my tongue. "Well, it isn't smart to lead with Hi. I'm Asiel, and I wear a purity ring. Besides, I told you that night in the Mazmorra that I was saving myself for marriage. It's never been a secret between us."

Mika grabs my other hands and begins wrapping the white fabric around it. "Yeah, but... a purity ring is different. It makes the whole saving yourself thing real. I feel almost bad for trying to ruin this promise for you."

A snort escapes my throat. "Almost bad?"

She shrugs. "What can I say? I'm a horny bitch, and you have to deal with it. God gave you a girlfriend obsessed with orgasms. They're just so life-shifting, like shrooms."

I hoist myself from the chair and grab Mika's head to place a kiss on her head. "To the contrary, I thank God every day for giving you to me. Also, I have a mouth and a hand that gets the job done pretty well for you."

Mika gasps, playfully smacking my shoulder. "Oh, look who's cocky now! I had you whimpering in front of Mateo twenty minutes ago."

I jokingly roll my eyes. "Hey, it's nothing special. I am an inexperienced man, so I have an excuse. What's yours, Princesa?"

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