Thirty-Five Asiel

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My night consists of dribbling this handball at the wall and back

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My night consists of dribbling this handball at the wall and back. Twirling around in my swirly chair as my mind drifts to Mika as always. I don't think I've gone a day since I met her without thinking of her. Mika wanted to face Diablo on her own terms by herself, with no interruptions. At first, I insisted on going, wanting to protect her in case of anything.

But truthfully, Mika is safer on her own than with me bringing her down. I'm a liability. But I'll make it my life mission to conquer my fears and protect Mika from anything. My familia has an infinite list of rivals and I wouldn't want to lose Mika to any of them. Is it dangerous to admit I miss her after only being apart for a day?

To pass time, I looked over my brother's journals of the final year of his life. If anything, it's more like a day planner instead of a journal. Every day is detailed to the exact hour, pinpointing all his appointments, clients, and vacation days. There's no mention of anything unrelated to work. His determination fuel his every action, but even leaders take breaks. I'm afraid this day planner is a cover-up for his real journal.

The black leather reptile designer diary that I've seen him write in over a dozen times. Maybe I should ask Spencer to take a look and investigate the journal for any hidden clues. An actual detective might have a better shot than I would. The bright red ball thumps against the wall and flings back into my palm.

How could Ander intertwine himself with something so complicatedly detrimental that a foreseen legend has a reason to come after him? Who would benefit from eliminating my brother? The Velazquezs? They could hold resentment for my father, annihilating theirs. It wouldn't be as far-fetched as it sounded since Luka's attempt at murdering me.

From the corner of my eye, a twinkling, beaming light illuminates the area like a siren in the ocean. It captures my attention in a millisecond. My heart races like a speeding car as the ball tumbles from my fingertips. Leaping from my chair in full disbelief, gawking at the shining lantern.

Mika really touched it?

She needs me?

My heart pounds like a motherfucker swelling with bliss. Realization of how much Mika lowered her guard, inviting me in to console her. Honestly, I never thought she would call for me. Not because I think she's the strongest person I know, but because exhibiting her vulnerabilities is like asking for a death sentence.

My body moves at the speed of light, grabbing my keys and pounding down the staircase of my house. Like I swore, if Mika ever touched the lantern, I would drop everything to be there. The only way to stop me is by shooting me in the skull. My cell phone vibrates against my leg as I unlock my car and get in.

Roaring the ignition to life, I pull my phone from my thigh pocket and glimpse at the messages from Spencer. Over five messages in the span of two minutes, something involving my brother. He wants to meet up tonight to discuss of few notable occurrences with the urban legend he's been tailing. Another message dings explaining tonight is the last night he is available before going away for his bachelor's party.

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