Thirty-Nine Mika

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The flame ignites the long beige stick, brightening up the twilight of the night

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The flame ignites the long beige stick, brightening up the twilight of the night. Thick smoke coats the windy air, forming spirals as I blow out a breath. My chest feels heavy, satisfied as I sink to the ground, kneeling, admiring the dazzling stars. 

"Do you want another hit?" I ask, waving the blunt.

Tania nods and hands over her rolled joint. "Why, thank you, cutie pie. I love putting my mouth where yours has been."

I snort. "That feeling isn't mutual. I don't know whose cock you've been sucking."

She gasps and gives my ass a firm kick with her stilettos boots. "You fucking bitch. It isn't my fault that I love giving blowjobs. I just wished more of my clients were dreamy, like Asiel."

The weed surges through my veins, instantly making the world glossier like I'm wearing old contract lenses. "What about... What's his name again? Dragon?"

Tania moans, clenching her thighs at the mention of his name. "Oh, yes, Dragon. He has a thick cock like his father. Not only does he have a thick cock, but he's super sweet. The aftercare after we fuck is like heaven. Have you fucked Asiel yet?"

"Father like son. How dirty of you, Tania." The urge to smile breaks through my barrier, and I'm smiling like an adolescent. "Matter of fact, we did. Last night."

Her eyes widen with amusement. "Stop being so modest. You have fucked wives, husbands, and siblings. Now, tell me everything! How was it? How many times did you come? Which positions?"

Maybe it's the weed, but the stars form the memories of the night before. Images of Asiel's distressed expressions begging for me to fuck him senselessly. God, my pussy is getting soaked just thinking about it. The best part of the whole thing was actually the worst thing. After being fucked like a slut, Asiel pulled me into his arms, and we spent hours giggling about stupid shit.

Then we went another round.

Talked again.

Fucked a third time like horny teenagers, and Asiel kissed my forehead before falling asleep. He's breathing sweet and peaceful, a rhythm I could get used to.

Holding the drag in my chest, I exhale and fill the air with more foggy smoke. "Surprisingly Godlike for a virgin. Definitely over ten times. Cowgirl and doggy. We also tried superman, but he was pretty tired by then."

The joint dips from her fingertips as Tania sports an open-mouth stare. "Holy fucking shit. You did not just take that poor boy's virginity. He's going to be so heartbroken when you leave him. I'm equally terrified and inspired."

"I know," I mutter, trying to force out a laugh to join in Tania's amusement.

"Hey, Mika. Is everything alright?" she asks, sensing something's off. "If he hurt you, I swear to God, I'll cut his balls off in front of everyone. Nobody hurts my girlfriend."

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