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My wrist flicks in a half motion, sprinkling deep sea-blue paint on my unprimed canvas

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My wrist flicks in a half motion, sprinkling deep sea-blue paint on my unprimed canvas. It falls over the white spatter paint, adding dimension and a layer to the painting.

Honestly, I don't know what I'm doing.

I woke up this morning, lost and full of sorrow. Mika would've been thirty today. Maybe that's why. Gearing my emotions into a new painting is my only healthy way of coping with this. Besides, I have an exhibition in two weeks with only two paintings to showcase.

Luckily, it's an exhibit for multiple artists, but I need four paintings to present to the audience.

When I left New York, I didn't really have an initial plan — I had money, a broken heart, and a passport. Earlier in my journey, I fueled my anguish with drinking, drugs, and sleeping. I backpacked through most of Europe; Malta, Italy, Portugal, United Kingdom, but I couldn't remember a damn thing about them.

It took about a year to break the cycle.

I wasted a year disappointing Mika-- disappointing myself.

But after nearly dying from a heroin overdose, I got my fucking shit together. It was fucking gruesome to come to the realization that Mika is in the afterlife. There's nothing I could do but trek forward towards a new path, a new purpose, a new dream. I didn't give Mika up-- she's my ultimate dream, but that won't be possible until I'm gone.

After getting clean, I attended NAM meetings to ensure a successful journey toward sobriety. It would be a lie if I claimed it was easy-- it is fucking brutal. Even now, it's a continuous journey, and I have to assure myself every day why I'm doing what I'm doing-- for Mika, for her legacy to live on in this world.

Once I was a month sober, I booked a flight to Paris, France, with no thought of what I wanted to do. Since the school year had already started, I had to find another way to accompany my time until the spring semester. It was a lot of random part-time jobs to gain experience in the normal world.

Not because I needed the money.

But because I didn't trust myself to fall into the deep end, unless people were around. It's been an issue I've been working through in my weekly therapy session. It's tough because even though I have someone listening — there are still things I need to keep to myself.

As the years flew by, I learned how to cope with my emotions on my own— no drugs, no alcohol, no need to be surrounded by a crowd. Thoughts are scary, but I think they bring out a different side of me — one I need to keep my career alive.

Spattering grape tint purple on the canvas, the lines form an incoherent line. I don't know what I'm doing anymore. My thoughts are all scattered over the page like this painting. It's too much —all at once. Releasing a frustrated breath, I grab the canvas and toss it to the side with my ongoing collection of unfinished paintings.

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