Sixty-Eight Mika

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Fucking hell

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Fucking hell.

Another shift at Diablo's Paraiso is agonizingly painful. I don't feel like socializing. Not even with Asiel, but I needed to keep him from losing himself completely. Now, with Asiel's addiction out of the way, I can investigate Officer Griffin's claims. The information left me jaded — as if I smoked about ten blunts. I'm still in a state of disbelief.

He could've been lying to get me to release him. It's not far-fetch. The identity of Mictlan isn't unimaginable, but I couldn't think of the reason why. What was Mictlan's villain origin? Why did Mictlan decide to take down the Mortereros? None of it made fucking sense.

Yawning, I knock on Diablo's door and grab the attention of the stony, bitter face of Tania. "Hey. No Dragon tonight?"

Tania's jaw ticks as she stands with her arms crossed and her gaze on the floor. "Nope." She waves to Diablo and beelines for the door, slamming our shoulders together. "Mika?"

My eyebrows rise. "Yeah?"

She releases a harsh, frustrated breath. "I'll wait for you. Let's talk after you get out."

Confusion washes over me. "Okay?"

Diablo's lips tilts in a half-amused smirk as he scribbles on the paperwork on his desk. I wonder what has her upset. Does she feel neglected by me? Nah. We were strictly friends with benefits, with no chance of feelings surfacing. Maybe it's over her shifts or something work-related.

I sigh and slump down into the chair. "Do I have a bidder tonight?"

"When do you not?" Diablo scoffs.

Touche. It's just depressing having to please a person that isn't my fiancé. With Asiel's recent sobriety, it isn't healthy for him to hang around the clubs with temptations lingering everywhere, but a part of me wishes he was here, bidding on me.

"Who's my client?"

"You're going to love this." Diablo laughs, the dimple on his left cheek poking through. "It's Dragon."

My lips purse as I digest something I never thought I would hear. "Excuse me?"

"Let me say this in words you can understand." Diablo grits his teeth. "Dragon. Is. You. Highest. Bidder."

What the hell? This situation doesn't make sense. Dragon is a seasoned customer. He's been around for years, sleeping his way up the list, but he never went higher than Tania. They had a relationship with intimate feelings involved. For the past three years, Dragon would come weekly to spend time with Tania.

Why did he suddenly do a one-eighty?

My eyebrows furrow. "I-Is that an error or something? Surely not whe-."

Diablo rolls his eyes. "Oh, my fucking god. There wasn't a mistake--he bid for you, twenty million to be exact. I guess you haven't lost your touch. I don't know what you did, but keep it up."

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