Thirty-Six Mika

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My hands roam the sheets, trying to feel for his warm body

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My hands roam the sheets, trying to feel for his warm body. A deep groan leaves my body as I stretch in a contorted way like a pretzel and force my eyes open. An emotion erupts in my chest like a spurt of rainfall as I find the place next to me empty. Fuck, I was so exhausted I didn't hear Asiel leave.

Thank god, honestly.

First of all, my tits are pouring out from the towel, and my pierced nipples peak in the windy air. I am not in the mood to deal with his sympathy. It always follows the story as if it was haunted by a ghost. One night of reminiscing is enough for a lifetime, and I hope if Asiel knows me well enough, he won't ever bring it up again.

Once I throw my hair into a ponytail, I stand up from the bed. The towel slips from my frame and pools at my feet. As my hand reaches for my bedroom doorknob, an explosion of crashing plates fills my ears. With a frown marring my eyebrows, I grab the pistol hidden behind my dresser and tip-toe to the kitchen.

The muscle in my chest reacts calmly, pumping the blood through my body. Aligning the barrel with the stranger's shaggy, messy raven curls a second away from firing a bullet when he rotates around, his eyes widening.

Another collection of plates tumbles from his grip as he raises them in defense and yells, "Don't shoot me! Don't shoot me! I am just trying to make us some breakfast."

A survey of giggles erupts from my chest. "Holy shit, Asiel. Next time, maybe warn a girl before you start smashing her plates."

A boyish grin stretches across his face. "Sorry, Princesa, I didn't mean to wake you up. I opened the cabinets, and everything came tumbling down."

"Why didn't you get dishes from the dishwasher?"

His cheeks flush with a red tint, his ears matching. "I-I didn't think of that."

Asiel maneuvers through the kitchen as if he owns the place, flipping the burning pancake on his pan. My adorable kitty-adorned apron is wrapped around his hips, loosely tied to the curve of his thick ass, and my mouth drying as I admire the spring sun casting a glow on his back. My pussy clenches in desire as I soak in the outline of his flexed biceps, plating a dish with scrambled eggs.

Holy fuck.

He gets even dreamer every day.

He smirks when his green irises meet mine, soaking in the way my eyes are eating him up like a starving predator. "Were you planning to manipulate the intruder with your naked body?"

Tearing my gaze from his frame, I glance down to see my body on full display, in my best outfit-- my birthday suit. "You would like to play that game, wouldn't you? For me to be the poor fragile girl as my intruder takes me violently up against the table?"

His eyebrow arches with an amused grin. "You don't waste any time, do you?"

I shrug, swaying my hips as I stand behind him, skimming my fingers over the slope of his spine. "Time is very special, Muñeco. There's no point in wasting my true intentions. What I really want to do is handcuff you to the bedstand and have you begging for me to suck your cock. Trembling under my touch like the good boy you are."

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