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It courses through my veins, hot and fast, leaving a trail in its wake. Something about watching a pure, righteous man fighting another for my attention brought excitement to the princess between my thighs. She grows slick at any sign of possessiveness, cherishes, and ultimate power.

While Asiel collected himself in the bathroom, I reapply a fresh tint of lip gloss and fling my hair into pigtails. For a special, innocent effect, I bind a slim white ribbon around my hair, bringing a youthful look to me. My head cranes over my shoulder at the sound of the bathroom door creaking open. He comes out in his white tailor button-down shirt, his biceps threatening to rip through the seams as he pats his jaw with a towel.

"I might've vomited in the toilet," Asiel blurts, massaging his taut temples. "Don't worry. I cleaned it up, and I used mouthwash."

I snicker under my breath. "How noble of you to make sure you're nice and clean for our night together."

He sinks into my king-size mattress, releasing a desperate groan of frustration. "I'm so fucked. I don't know what came over me. Mi papa me va a matará si se entera."

(My papa will kill me if he finds out.)

Both my brows go up in intrigue as I stalk towards the mattress. It's massive enough to keep us from making physical contact, but I slide right against him with my elbows propped up to hold my head. His breathing picks up a notch when he senses my faint vanilla fragrance and opens his anxious eyes.

I finger his hair. "Your papa? So, Luka is a personal friend? Is that why it bothered you so much? To have both of your worlds colliding?"

Asiel blinks, his lips slightly parting as a frown mars his face. "Todo lo que quiero es contarle al mundo cómo esta chica consume mi mente como ninguna orta." The golden specks in his irises dance with uncertainty. "I'm acting irrationally, without thinking of the consequences. It's not healthy for me. I can't afford to make mistakes. You are not healthy for me, Mika."

(All I want to do is tell the world how this girl consumes my mind like no other.)

Heat pools between my legs as I straddle his hips, lining our clothed sexes. It takes me undoing two of his buttons for his dick to spring upward, bulging through his pants. His breaths pour out unevenly while I keep a composed state as I finish loosening the rest. Wet jet-black hair falls over his forehead, and he gnaws on his lips in anticipation.


"Hmm?" he replies, in a dream-like lost tone.

"Do you want me to stop?"

He sucks his lips between his teeth as he stares off into the distance. We could hear a pin drop from the silence hovering over us like an upcoming storm. Taking the silence as my answer, I rotate my leg to hop off until he grabs my arm.

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