Eighty-Two Mika

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Motherfucking pain.

If my high-tolerance ass is overflowing with extreme discomfort, then I could only imagine what Asiel is feeling. It's been hours—I'm assuming — since Gato wrecked the shit out of us. The heavy chains chafe against the burning lashes on my back and arms. I grit my teeth every fucking time. My lungs ache with every breath.

I'm honestly confused.

Why would Asiel care about what happens to me? He doesn't—shouldn't — want anything to do with me. Asiel needs to fight and worry about himself. I've survived twenty years on my own — I'm sure I have another couple of years in me. Blood trickles down Asiel's back, giving me nausea to see the forming scars on his back.

I got to get us the fuck out of here.

I think I have got a crazy fucking plan for when Gato visits us. It's risky, and I could fucking die by angering him further, but it's better than being treated like an animal. Either I step up, or we die at the hands of these psychopaths. It's a do-or-die situation. I've encountered over a dozen of these, and I'm more determined than ever to save someone other than myself.

Now, if only he come in before Asiel woke up.

I doubt Asiel will let Gato lay a hand on me from his previous reaction. It's something so innocent and insignificant, but the fact that Asiel fights for me tugs at my heartstrings. Even when he's supposed to hate my guts-- he still protects me with his whole heart. My heart blooms like a flower in a garden of unrequited love.

"M-mm-i," Asiel's voice comes out strained, dry, and cracking. "I-Kkk-a?"

I reply, my nerves fading to oblivion when it's just Asiel and me. "I'm here, Muñeco. You should've let Gato do what he wanted. It's nothing I haven't experienced before."

Mainly because I was in the middle of a risky plan, but also because I loathe with every fiber of my being to watch Asiel get hurt. I wish I could do more. Get him water to at least stay awake longer. His body is deteriorating from all the beating with no food or water to nutrients him. Asiel groans, his dark eyebrows crinkling in a frown, pain marring his expression.

"H-How can you say that?" Asiel audibly sucks in a breath. "I would never sit back and watch him force himself on you. I rather take a million fucking beatings than let you experience that."

A ghost of a smile crawls on my lips. "Why does it matter? You're supposed to hate me. You don't need to protect me, but you still do."

Asiel's lips curl into a little grin, causing a strain in his bruise. "The answer is obvious, Mika. It's the same as yours. Turning off everything I felt for you would take longer than a week. Maybe in a lifetime. I'm not sure if it's possible to feel this intimately with another person."

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