Fifty-Two Asiel

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My hands are tied

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My hands are tied.

Figuratively, not literally.

With some of my most trustworthy capos out of commission, we have fallen behind all of our orders. Everything is so wishy-washy. My lieutenants have to carry the extra responsibility to make every delivery, cook and sell. Besides myself, Mateo offered to oversee Gato's branch and to feel around for any waves.

Taking out a monumental familia member like Gato is asking for a rebellion. People are going to think if I can take out a capo--what would stop me from taking them out? Even though I had many problems with the bastard, he has followers. People willing to leave the familia name behind for him.

According to Mateo's reports, Gato's closest friends are slacking off and refusing to work. For being over forty years old, they act more immature than I do. It's fucking embarrassing, and once we're on track with our orders, I won't hesitate to get rid of them, too. They're useless and only cause headaches at this point.

Tonight, two separate shipping are taking place-- one to Diablo's Paraiso and the other to my station in Colombia. I don't have enough to fulfill the entire order, but I'm giving what I can to keep the tides calm. Mika wouldn't care, but I don't want her to think I'm using our relationship as an advantage. Business and pleasure are a tricky slope to tip-toe on.

I sign my signature for a few more paperwork before taking off my glasses and rubbing my eyes. They're stressed, blurry, and a knot forms in my brain. I'm starting to understand why presidents leave the office with gray hair and look as if they aged fifty years. My eyebrows knit together when I hear the door creak open.

Who the hell came into my office without knocking on the door?

My eyes flutter to the entrance, fucking mind-blown at the sight of my stunning girlfriend in a platinum blonde bob. The tips of her hair reach an inch below her heart-shaped jawline and curtain bangs obscure her forehead. On her shoulders is the fluffy white fur coat I brought for her, swallowing them up. The white satin dress has a slit on her left thigh, leaving little to the imagination.

My heart burns with jealousy as my mind goes haywire, thinking about all the men looking at my everything. Especially Luka. First, he took my brother's attention, and now he wants Mika. It's like I've been subconsciously in this game with him. He's using people that matter to me like pawns. Unlike my brother, Mika won't betray me.

It's Mika and I forever.

My heart flips with joy when the backpack slips from her shoulder and her radiating, adorable smile peeks through. Her heels clink against the black marble floors as I hoist myself from the chair, meeting her halfway for a hug. She jumps, wrapping her arms around my neck and kicking her legs up as I spin us around. Her sweet strawberry scent engulfs my nose like the way she's stolen my heart.

"What did I do to deserve a heartwarming hug like this?" I ask, unable to fight the smile forming on my lips.

Mika tightens her arms around my neck. "Just you, being you. I missed you. Like a lot. It's a little embarrassing to admit."

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