Sixty- Mika

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A purple streak ripples in the moody blue sky

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A purple streak ripples in the moody blue sky. It contrasts against the orangish hue swirling in the blue sky, left behind by the earth's sunlight. The moon's brilliance diminishes because of the foggy, polluted atmosphere. It's strong enough to leave a shadow on the moist rocks. White furious waves clash against the golden sand, sprinkling water onto my jeans.

It's been a while since one of these nights.

When the dark shadow consumes me, letting Mika dive into the back seat and go along for the ride. Unlike times before, my heart weighs heavily on my shoulders. It's a hindrance now. I'm not sure what I'm doing and why I'm doing things anymore. There's a purpose and cause, but I'm not so sure I stand with them anymore. Why do I keep covering my hands with blood? Why am I doing the dirty work for anyone?

Can I ever stop thinking?

My eyes bounce to the stumbling, five-foot-eleven man with a six-pack in his hands. His floppy brunette hair tumbles over his eyes, giving him a two-thousand emo look. I've been shadowing this man for a few days, ever since Diablo gave me the new instructions. See, Mictlantecuhtli doesn't dive right into her kills-- she has a grace period.

Kills take time.

Even if the time period is cut short, you still need enough to know the ins and outs of your victim--their routine, likes and dislikes, hidden affairs. You have to decide where's the perfect place to commit the crime or steer them into an alleyway. Anything really- it's all up to me as long as I get the job done. Just never get caught. I don't want a repeat of Luka, giving someone a reason to hold something over me.

My victim tonight is a lovely man that goes by Jared Campanelli. From my late-night stakeouts, I figured out he's a low-rank man in one of the Italian families. He often gets stuck with the shitty jobs like stealing plasma TVs and shit. I'm not exactly sure who's put the hit out on him, but my radar says his wife.

See, Jared has a beautiful Colombian wife, but we, Latina women, tend to have short fuses. Not always. It's definitely a stereotype, but what people forget is it's the men that make us like this. Apparently, marriage life isn't all it's cracked out to be, and his wife, Luna, had suspicions. Rightfully so, as I followed Jared to his whore's house last night. Pretty messy, to be honest. Did I mention how Luna is six months pregnant? Or how she wanted to get back at him by sleeping with his sister?

I don't normally get invested in my kills since it blurs the lines when you have to kill them. You can start having sympathy for the victim, and that's treacherous. But the tea overflowed the mug. These idiots laid everything out on the table. If it's my educational guess, Luna hired me to kill Jared so she could be with his sister.

Okay, fine, it wasn't an educational guess.

I bugged their entire house and was eavesdropping on their conversation earlier. A lot of swears from both parties, smashing of vases and plates, and a beating. For carrying a six-month fetus in her belly, Luna knows how to beat someone's ass. All because he refused to sign the divorce papers. Why can't people admit when they've lost?

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