Eighty-Three Asiel

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Did you ever feel like one moment of your life significantly flipped everything else on its axis? My stomach stirs with uneasiness as we wait for Mateo's entrance

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Did you ever feel like one moment of your life significantly flipped everything else on its axis? My stomach stirs with uneasiness as we wait for Mateo's entrance. It's agonizing painful how slow time goes when you want everything to happen in the blink of an eye, like when you're waiting for the last five minutes for the school bell to ring. It's entirely idiotic to compare our situation to a mundane event like school, but it's the same type of dread.

Mika tries to make the slightest sound possible as she entangles herself with the metal chains. With over a dozen chains, it's hard to repeat the pattern from memory. I'm not much help, of course. I've been unconscious for more than half of our time here. It would be a miracle if I knew the perimeters of the room.

It's almost too hard to believe how everything has spiraled into a tornado over a few days. Two weeks ago, I was planning my wedding to my soulmate—only to find out the itty-bitty truth of everything. Destiny and fate are our friends with the constant entanglement of our lives— I don't doubt we would've run into each other one way or another.

One part of me wishes I collided with a revengeful Mika, seeking for the vengeance she deserves after being brutally gang raped and watching her friend die. The hopeless romantic in me is happy we met during a time when we both needed each other. I think this is how our story is supposed to end.

It would be a fairytale to believe we will walk out of this in love with each other.

The harsh reality is that life isn't meant to be a fairytale. The good, the bad-- nothing sensational happens when the two opposites of the spectrums clash. We both just crash and burn, falling to the darkest realms of the earth. I don't know if fate will give us the opportunity to survive through his mess, but I'll pray until the fucking last goddamn second.

A blasting slam of the door burst through the room, nearly shuttering my eardrums. Mika halts her movements, sporting a cold, stoic expression as Mateo's pacing gets louder. The sound of a click of his Glock fills the room as he collects the other bullets in his palm. He yawns, dark blue bags under his eyes from exhaustion.


I can't fucking believe my cousin I trusted more than anyone-- has been the one with the knife in my back the entire time. Why would he turn on me? Why would he murder my papa? He was like a fourth son to him--after Gato, of course. Is power worth sacrificing everything? It's astounding to me.

Why would anyone want to be Jefe?

Mateo holds the one bullet between his fingertips, displaying it to us before shoving it into the barrel. "Hope you guys didn't miss me-- it's time for my favorite game. Do you guys have enough luck to survive another night?" He leaves the question in the air, but no one answers. "Let's test the waters... who's first?"

I open my mouth to answer, but remember what happened earlier-- he will go after Mika first. As much as I want to beg him to shoot me-- Mateo will torture Mika. Anxiety courses through my bloodstream as he waves the gun between us. Eventually, his dark, calculated gaze lands on me and aligns the barrel with my forehead.

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