Fifty-Four Mika

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My blade slices through his Achilles' heel, causing him to snarl in pain and fall to the floor

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My blade slices through his Achilles' heel, causing him to snarl in pain and fall to the floor. I spin around, angling my foot to strike him in the jaw, sending him flying backward. He spits out a puddle of blood and a few teeth as I pounce onto his waist, stabbing him in the chest. All the malice in his eyes slips away as they widen, realizing their death is coming.

He gasps for his last breath before his body goes limp underneath me. Jesus fucking Christ. The fucker made me get my catsuit all matted with blood. At least it's not my own. The front gates of the warehouse open up with the bright headlights of the truck pouring in. My hand lifts to shield my squinting eyes, seeing four dark shadows in the light.

The shining light shuts off, revealing my handsome boyfriend decked out in his expensive black Calvin Klein suit. He's insane for showing up here at a nasty bloodbath with his sensitive stomach. During the massacre, Luka ran off like a scared chicken, leaving his men to fight for him. I guess he's terrified of a woman kicking his ass.

"Mika." His lips curl into a small smile. The faint, sweet way he says my name causes my heart to skip through the loopy loop. My cheeks flush hot pink under all this blood. The bliss in his irises disappears, replaced with panic. "Mika!"

Everything hits me like a truck.

The force against my skull knocks me off his lap and onto the floor, clinging to my stomach. My hands dance around for the feel of the blade as the taller, bulkier man flashes an eerie grin. Finally, my hand encloses the edge, and I combat his smile by flashing my crazed one. My body fills with disappointment as my hand crane back, only for someone else to shoot a bullet in his skull.


Mateo's lips tip into a smug smirk as he stuffs his pistol back into his holder. Smug motherfucker. What a fucking show-off.

I cough, receiving the side effects of the hit. Scrambling feet wander through the warehouse. The rest of Luka's men have retreated, accepting their loss for the night. Too bad. But I don't care. I'm after one man. The one person who can ruin the new life I made for myself. I don't want to be the old Mika anymore.

I want to be the Mika with feelings.

Even if it only brings me to my own demise.

"Mika!" Asiel shouts, clutching my face in his hands. He doesn't even flinch at the enemy's blood on my face. "Are you okay, baby? Are you bleeding anywhere?"

My heart explodes with bliss. "I'm better now that you're here." The tip of Asiel's ears turns fiery red, and I'm sure mine are too. I force the embarrassment pill down my dry throat, but fail miserably. "Sorry, it's weird to say cheesy shit like that."

Asiel strokes the apple of my cheeks. "It's okay. Leave the cheesiness to me."

It's cringy to say because it's the truth. I've always been a one-woman show with my sidekicks behind me. Riley, Diablo. I never felt the need to do a mission with them, but being without Asiel tonight was like torture. All my thoughts went to him. It's so stupid because I knew nothing would happen to him.

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