Forty-Four Mika

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Love is a fragment of someone's imagination

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Love is a fragment of someone's imagination. People spend their whole lives searching for this one emotion. In my experience, I haven't witnessed any relationship exhibiting love the way it's described in movies or books. I don't care about experiencing it. I don't deserve it, nor do I want it. As a woman, having a vagina is already considered a liability. I can't afford another one.

I like feeling wanted.

That's all I'll ever need.

Calm, cool, and collected.

I'm channeling the Mika that destroys men's lives with a snap of her fingertips. The Mika that was unreachable emotionally and seductively. Just like the old days before I ran into him. It's easy as frying an egg. I'll show the universe that I'm still the most rotten bitch in town. Use, throw, and repeat.

Using my finger, I softly dab pink gloss on my lips in my pink make-up mirror. The stove dings, capturing my attention. I open it to see my chicken. It's golden brown with a light crisp on the skin. My stomach grumbles at the sight of it, and I rip a piece of the skin off, shoving it into my mouth. Once the tray is cooled off, I move it to the table with the light lavender cloth over it.

I steal another piece of skin, and it melts in my mouth.

"I thought you were waiting for me to eat," Asiel's voice fills the room as he leans his elbow on the doorway. The fabric of the blazer is stretched out on his biceps with no tie around his neck. The free-flowing material of his black dress shirt reveals the tiniest glimmer of his rounded ink chest.

I shrug. "I got hungry."

His lips curl into a cute smirk. "Five more minutes. That's all you had to wait for. Do you always have a lack of patience?"


Asiel playfully rolls his eyes. "Now, why were you so insisted on cooking dinner for me tonight?"

My fingers dance on Asiel's clothed skin, slowly dragging his blazer down to his arms. He gives me a once-over, eyebrows perking as he tugs on the yellow plaid skirt. It barely covers my ass, providing Asiel a free show as I drop his blazer on the back of a chair. Tense lines frame Asiel's face as he unbuttons the cuff on his wrist, and I take the opportunity to steal another piece of chicken.

Suddenly, I feel a light love tap on my ass cheek as Asiel drops his arms around my shoulder and kisses the side of my head. "Jesus, where is your patience? Let's dig in before you eat the whole thing."

Arching my back, I push my ass into his groin and earn a soft groan from him. Unlike before, he doesn't pull away. If anything, he pushes us closer and trails a line down my ribcage. Electricity shoots through my skin from his innocent touch, craving for him to brutally devour my body until I'm left red.

"What happens if I'm not so hungry for the chicken anymore?" I ask, my voice coming out breathless, ragged.

He moves my locks of hair onto one shoulder, leaving the other cold and naked. "What do you have in mind, Princesa?"

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