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I spring the bouncy ball in the air as I take in my surroundings

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I spring the bouncy ball in the air as I take in my surroundings. Glowy, yellow yolks hang in the sea-blue sky, illuminating nature with nutrients. Children wail as their naked toes thump against the burning pavement. A bright purple popsicle rest in her grip, colliding with her lips as they form an 'O' shape, and I let my impure thoughts wander. 

After receiving a two-hour scolding from my father, I apologize to my Capos for failing them and being an irresponsible Jefe. The sincerity was genuine, but I mostly bowed my head because of my father's injunction. To make matters worse, Gato escaped with a few broken limbs and developed a valid reason to despise me.

He's been terrorizing me daily, but I deserve it.

I'm a coward in cartel situations and romantic ones.

Mika breaks off the last portion of her popsicle and dumps it in the trashcan. Her lips are stained purple from it, but it's the cutest fucking thing I've ever seen. It gives her a human-like quality she lacks when we're in her prime. My obsession has reached new peaks since our last encounter when I devour the whipped cream on her tits.

If it wasn't for her teasing, I would've jumped the gun and broken every single rule I established for myself. I've dated a couple of girls in my college years, but none of them tempted me this much. We've adventured in oral activities, but it wasn't terrific. It didn't want to make me break my commitment to God, but Mika...

A taste of her skin has me pushing caution to the wind. 

It makes it apparent how my emotions for this one girl are incomparable to anyone else.

I never thought I would achieve the status of being an obsessed stalker, but I'm desperate. When my father finished his rant, I ordered Limon to find any information he could about Mika and to report back to me. Any knowledge of Mika Santana was kept airtight enough that my hackers couldn't crack into anything.

The only new information I learned was her last name, her birthday, and her home life. Oddly enough, Mika fits the statistics of girls pursuing an escort career. Guilt pangs my heart as I admire her from afar, regretting the way I dug up her past. It's dirty and disrespectful. I should've waited for the day we evolved into a bond deep enough to share memories.

My attention snaps to Mika as she takes a left turn in a dangerous neighborhood. The Barrera crew observed these blocks like hawks because it was their playground until Mateo terrorized Bruno. This is our territory now. However, I am not comfortable watching Mika seamlessly wander through the streets.

Her stilettos thump on the pavement as she proceeds deeper into the alleyway. She tugs her rising dress down her thighs while advancing closer to a sketchy drug dealer. Goddamnit. Is this her usual drug dealer? Barrera's creations are a waste of money. My family's narcotics are purer than his shit if she wanted a sufficiently high.

Mika hands over a one-hundred-dollar bill to the dealer and whispers into his ear. The grimy teenager flashes his yellow-stain teeth as he pulls out a small ziplock bag and hands it to Mika. She flicks the white powder, giving it a subtle shake, and leaps in the air with excitement. Is she really that excited because she scored some coke?

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