Seventy- Mika

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Do you ever walk around wishing you could be in your birthday suit?

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Do you ever walk around wishing you could be in your birthday suit?

Well, that's me right now.

All the staff is storming in and out of the room with the finishing touches on the ballroom. It's rather hectic. I don't know what to do besides sit down and look pretty, but I'm always gorgeous, so it's exhausting. It's not entirely the staff's fault for being behind schedule. Asiel randomly came up with the idea of an engagement party to alert the familia of our pending marriage. Apparently, my side of the family is supposed to take care of these events, but it's just me, so Asiel is taking the reins.

It's not something I'm looking forward to.

Usually, I like my moments with Asiel alone in the privacy of our bedrooms. Everyone else is insignificant in our relationship except his mama. I know he values her opinion as much as mine, but everyone else loathes me. Can you blame them? I'm practically a random girl off the street that will reign the Morterero cartel alongside my fiance.

But most of all, I'm petrified of facing him again.

It's different this time.

We won't be confined in a room together. We will have to converse like adults about simple things like the weather or what the Kardashians are up to. But knowing Mictlan, he can manipulate the situation and get me in a room with him. See, I skipped the deadline. I've been walking on eggshells the past few days in Paraiso, stressing over him popping out of a corner like a jack in the box.

It's his method-- he wants me on the edge of my seat at all times.

My body trembles as two muscular arms lazily wrap around my waist, and my fiance's chin rests on my shoulders. "Did I mention how fucking lucky I am to be marrying the girl of my dreams?"

I press my lips together, struggling to suppress my smile. "About a hundred times."

His brows draw together. "Do you like it, Mika? Is it everything you always dreamed about?"

The scenery is elegantly grim, with black table clothes and a pop of color from the pink bouquets. Dangling golden chains hang on the chandelier in the ceiling, illumining the room. There's a large picture frame of us in front of the entrance of the venue with a table labeled gifts beside it. Balloons dangle in the air for the children. It could be straight out of a fairytale.

I huff at his question. "I never really thought about this day until I met you. All I really need is for you to be here with me, and you are. So, in other words, it's everything I ever dreamt of."

"Is it weird that only my familia is here? You could've invited your friends from work. This celebration is about both of us becoming one. Not just me," Asiel says, squatting down and piercing my gaze with those puppy dog eyes.

I give a subtle shake of my head. "I don't have friends at the moment. Tania isn't really talking to me, and I rather die than have Diablo here. None of that matters, because I just need you. So, everything is perfect."

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