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Sultry music blasts through the speakers, radiating the floor from its intensity

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Sultry music blasts through the speakers, radiating the floor from its intensity. Violet illuminates the stage, capturing every angle of the Angele. My stilettos click on the black marble floors as I force everything into my bag. After speaking with Diablo about our other connections, I decided to cut my shift short and head home.

One of my top paying clients wagers over two million dollars, but I want a night to myself. It's a rare opportunity to take a day off, but I deserve it. Especially after what I went through in New Jersey, it turned out harder than I could've ever expected. Being fucked in the ass by an old man isn't on my top list of priorities today.

Throwing the bag over my shoulder, I push through the curtains and beeline to the exit. Until another muscular, heavy body crashes into mine, causing my ankle to twist, and I tumble to the floor. Sighing, I move a strand of my hair behind my ear, and a painful current pierces through my ankles. 

"Mika." His concerned emerald green eyes land on mine and he leans downward, the sharp edge of his stubbled jaw clench, a noticeable sheen of sweat on his olive complexion.

Any sign of irritation is washed away and replaced with delight. Unlike the week before, he's made sure to dress up in upscale attire, a black Prada wool tuxedo, leather Gucci loafers, ballon bleu Cartier watch, and his raven black hair is swooped up perfectly. His gaze sweeps across my body as he waits for my hand to scoop me back onto my legs.

"You missed me already?" I coo, arching my brow with amusement.

Pink blossom taints his cheeks. "I-I just came for a drink."

My heart warms with mischievous at his stutter. Being around Asiel is like narcotics for a drug addict. His reactions and his words steer my addiction to a place with no return. Most people wouldn't admit to loving all the attention, but I boast about it. Asiel's attention especially. Without knowing, he has a way of making it so easy to want to toy with him.

I pout. "That's too sad."

He lifts me as if I weigh like a feather and grabs my bag from the floor. Once he hands it over, I beeline to the door until I feel a shadow presence hovering over me. Glancing over my shoulder, I see Asiel looming over me like a long-lost puppy. How cute. He should've just admitted his true intentions to come here, so I wouldn't give him the silent treatment.

Asiel jerks in front of me, halting my movements by holding onto my shoulders. "W-where are you going?"

I shoot him a coy smile. "I'm taking the night off."

His face scrunches up with worry. "Why? Is everything okay? Are you sick?"

I giggle, failing to hold them back. "Why are you so worried about me if you didn't come here to see me? I'm sure you have million other better things to do."

He sighs heavily, sticking his palm on my forehead to check my temperature. "Nada es tan important como tú."

(Nothing is as important as you.)

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