Twenty-Nine Mika

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Operation get Diablo's ass is put on hold because of Asiel's birthday

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Operation get Diablo's ass is put on hold because of Asiel's birthday. It irks my fucking soul. Diablo knows he fucked up and is keeping himself busy, so we don't have to meet. Like out of all the days of the year, he decides to go on a road trip right after he kidnaps Isabella? A fucking coincidence. Hell no.

He planned everything right under my nose. I couldn't even go into his office since he changed the locks and gave the key to someone immune to my charms. It's pretty offensive, honestly. Our friendship didn't mean shit to me, but I thought Diablo treasured me. He wanted me to be his Queen in this long game of chess when, in reality, I'm the mother-fucking King. Knowing him, he had to entrust the key with one of our security guards, and if he was smart, he would've gone for Nico.

That son of a bitch is hard to crack.

But I always like an entertaining game of catch the mouse.

My breasts are bulging from the sweetheart necklace, adorn with chunks of diamonds all the way down to the core. The dress sinks into the grooves of my hips, making it seem like I had a snatched waist. Below three inches of my pelvis is a silt on my right leg, revealing the jewel incrusted fishnets. The crown of my hair is tied into a french braid with plain white ribbons to seem innocent.

However, I don't think the hair is going to have any effect.

Not with the way my boobs are protruding out of this dress.

Asiel is waiting against his car, all decked out in navy-white pants and jacket, a white-collared shirt, and finished with suspenders. He glances at his diamond Rolex until I'm coming by and slowly trails up my frame. Asiel's eyes widen in mesmerization, meeting me halfway in my walk down the driveway, and grabs my hand to do one of those ridiculous little twirls.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Happy birthday, Muneco."

My heart falters.

Asiel is still stuck in his daze, his eyes sparkling with fascination, and his mouth parted. If he keeps the act up, a little drool might spill out. A strong wave of shyness rolls through me as I try to decipher his stare. It's nothing like the client I fucked before. They always looked at me with hunger, lust, like I'm the last piece of chicken. It never really bothered me. It still doesn't, but I can't seem to interpret his look. 

Warm washes over his cheeks. "Wow... I literally have no words to describe how fucking absolutely stunning you are. Because stunning isn't near enough to explain how I'm feeling seeing you right now."

I fix his tie, something he always manages to mess up. "It's only deserving that the birthday boy gets the most gorgeous girl in the room."

He kisses my knuckle. "I'm lucky that I'm dating the most gorgeous girl."

I roll my eyes playfully. "Shall we get going? I wouldn't want to keep your family waiting. It would look bad on my part."

"Look at you trying to impress my parents already."

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