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My head hits against a firm surface as I groan, slowly opening my eyes

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My head hits against a firm surface as I groan, slowly opening my eyes. Smile lines mar Asiel's face as he's facing the tv. Shit. I must've fallen asleep after catching the fireworks. The alcohol hit me like a fucking truck. After baking the cake, my memories get a bit hazy, but I bet I enjoyed every second because I was with Asiel.

When I let my mind wander, I wondered how I got here.

How did I let myself get so attached to a man? What's so different about Asiel that makes me want to stay on this rollercoaster with him? I know Tania told me to go with the flow, but I'm mind blown by my own actions. It's always been me, myself, and I. Surviving in this world is unattainable when you have a liability.

My secrets.

My second name, persona, alter ego.

Asiel Morterero.

All connects like a toy train. If one thing unravels, then everything slips away. All my efforts go to waste. Just like a typical book character, I did the one single thing a monster shouldn't do-- care. I wanted to act like there was nothing but a functioning organ. A black void. A venomous black hole. But I couldn't be any more wrong because every day I spend with Asiel, I feel it.

It skips, thuds, halts.

Not even at age ten, when Diablo tried to kill. I didn't bat a fucking eyelash. I stared at him, dead in the eye, and said, "do it." No fear, no panic, no worry. Nothing. He placed the barrel right between my eyes, and I laughed.

But when Luka said he would expose the truth to Asiel, I felt every single one of those dreadful emotions.

It's fucking extraordinary, isn't it?

My biggest fear might lead me to my demise.

"Oh, you're awake?" Asiel says, staring down at me with his beautiful emerald puppy dog eyes.

I yawn, covering my mouth with my palm. "Yeah, how long did I sleep for?"

Warmth spread through his palm as he soothes my shoulder, causing knots in my stomach in the best way possible. "For about the three hours, aka the entire fucking movie."

I sport a smug smile. "I told you, I can't do cheesy rom-com movies. They bore me to death."

Asiel's mouth gapes open as he pauses the end credits. "This isn't even a rom-com! There's an entire ship sinking for the second half of the movie. Don't forget the heartbreaking ending."

I laugh. "I don't get it. Why couldn't Rose just give Jack some space? The plank was big enough for the both of them."

He narrows his eyes. "Don't start dragging logic into this."

"Why? Because it derails the purpose of a heartbreaking romance, making the entire movie rather pointless?" I cheekily reply, arching my brow with amusement.

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