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Hoseok sits at his desk at work emailing a few people before he leaves. Emails are always the last thing that he does of his work day. They're the least time consuming and they're a good way to end the shift as 'down time'. It's an early day out for him and he's grateful for it. Instead of getting off at eight, he's getting off at five.

He sends his final email, shuts down his laptop and leaves his office. Realizing that he has to go home, his mood plummets. He would call Alina but she told him that she's having dinner with her family tonight.

So instead, Hoseok drives home and gets right in the shower. The hot water soothes his aching muscles and clears his troubled mind. He washes his body more times than necessary to avoid getting out. He ends up using all the hot water and is forced to.

As he walks into the room, he hears the front door closing. He looks at the time and sees that it's almost 6:30. The accurate time for Victoria to be home on a Sunday. She comes upstairs when he's walking into the bedroom.


"Hi, baby. How was work?" She greets him with a smile.

"Good." He gives her a small one back. ".. How was work for you?"

"Really good." She says as she walks around the room. He blinks at her heels against the carpet.

Has she always worn shoes in the house?

He's never noticed if she has.

"The girls and I are thinking of taking a trip soon."

He pauses in drying off as he turns to look at her. He's trying to stay neutral as David told him but it's hard. It's difficult pretending as if he isn't hurting.

"Oh yeah? Where to?" He asks casually as he continues rubbing the towel against his skin to dry it.

"Not sure yet. I told them that I'd have to spend my birthday with you so we're planning for around that time." She takes her shoes off and puts them in the closet.

"You still haven't told me where you want to go this year." He reminds her as he puts his boxers on.

"I was thinking about Morocco." She turns with a smile on her face. "The weather is nice there and they have beautiful beaches. The water is so clear."

Hoseok puts his shorts and a t shirt on as she undressed. She gets down to her bra and panties and his eyes trail up her body. It isn't on purpose, he's just admiring her...

Victoria catches him staring at her and puts her arms him.

"You okay?"

"Yeah." He gulps as her face gets closer to his.

"Are you sure?" Her lips brush against his and he closes his eyes as she kisses him. His hands hold her waist before wrapping around her. He kisses her back, deprived of her touch. Warmth spreads in his chest. He's missed her.

For weeks, he's missed his wife's touch, her kiss, her affection.

"I love you, Hoseok."

Her love.

Nothing else matters in this moment for him. She hasn't initiated any touch with him for weeks. This is a sign for him; there is no love lost. He can show how much she's loved by him. Then she won't need to look for it anywhere else.


"How many cards do you have in your damn hand, Dana?"

Alina asks as she laughs. Dana purses her lips as she spreads them.

"Girl, twelve~. Jordan, stop hitting me with draw cards before I punch you." She bucks at him and he bucks back.

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