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Alina's alarm goes off, blaring in her ears. She startled awake and looks for device. She finds it under her pillow and shuts the alarm off. Her heart is beating out of her chest as she sits up.

She looks at the time and rubs her eyes before turning the brightness down. A call comes through and she slides over to answer.

Hoseok's face comes into view as he walks outside. The warm Moroccan wind blows his hair every which way as he looks at his phone.

"I hope you're up."

"I am." She responds. "I just woke up. My alarm went off."

She gets out of bed and props her phone on her dresser. She stretches to the best of her ability and yawns, groaning in the process.

"You're all packed and ready to go?"

"Yeah." Alina walks to her closet and pulls out the suitcase. She puts it on her bed and then strips herself of her pajamas. She puts on leggings and a t shirt before grabbing her phone and going to the bathroom. She washes her face and brushes her teeth. She doesn't take her scarf or bonnet off.

Having just gotten her hair done the day before, she doesn't want to take it out just for an airport visit.

Alina warms herself up a quick breakfast bowl meal and eats as she opens the Uber app.

"How you feeling pain wise? Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I've only been taking one ibuprofen a day for the inflammation. It just hurts if I do something with too much stretching or put pressure on them."

"I figured that. Just take it easy, baby." He says as he looks around the area. He's walking back to he and Victoria's hotel room. He's dreading it but he has to for now.

"I am. My Uber is almost outside so I'll text you."

"Alright. Keep me updated."

"I will, baby."

He cheeses at the phone in response to her term of endearment before they hang up.

Alina grabs her keys, purse and suitcase before leaving her house. She turns off all the lights and locks everything up. Getting into the Uber, she puts her suitcase in the trunk before they head to the airport.

She checks in, goes through TSA and waits patiently for her flight. When it's time to board, she lets Hoseok know that she's getting on the plane. She gets settled and buckled in, putting her headphones in her ears.

As the flight takes off, she falls back to sleep.


As the sun rises on the horizon, Hoseok stands by the window. He watches the color of the sky change as the sun begins to rise. Dressed in nothing but shorts and boxers, the heat of Morocco is sizzling.

In just a few hours, Alina would be there. She would be checking into her beach house and getting settled. He has everything else ready and waiting for her.


"Yeah?" He answers his wife as he stares out of the window.

"Why are you standing there? It's six in the morning."

He side eyes before turning his head.

"Did I wake you?"

"No. I got up to use the bathroom and you weren't there."

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