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The hottest day in May and 400+ people are gathered on a giant lawn. A very well thought out, well planned event. A very important for all of the people in attendance. But nobody feels more accomplished than Alina.

On the large football field on the Ohio State University campus, sits the graduating students of the class of 2028.

She did it. Finally. The last six years definitely were not easy in any sense. She cried, she screamed, she struggled. She wanted to rip her hair out on many occasions. The only thing stopping her was Hoseok. He held her when she cried, joined her when she screamed and reassured her when she struggled.

He is so proud of her. For everything that she's accomplished, for everything that they've accomplished together, he is beyond proud.

She stands second from being called and her heart is hammering in her chest. She doesn't think that she could get any more excited than this. As she looks out at all of the people graduating and all of the people watching, it feels real. It begins to sink in that she's actually graduating. She's actually going to walk this stage and grab her diploma.

When she's next, she looks to the Dean. He gives her a bright smile as her name is called.

"Alina Jung."

Her name is barely said before she hears the screams of her family and friends. She looks over at their section not expecting them to be that loud. Her eyesight and the distance doesn't allow her to see them clearly but she knows that they're there.

She walks to grab her diploma and shakes hands with the Dean. She hugs him as well as their tire is taken.

"Congratulations, Alina."

"Thank you so much."

She waves as she walks off stage. She goes back to her seat and sits down, waiting kind of impatiently for the rest of the names to be called. She claps and smiles happily for each person as they grab their diplomas and walk the stage. In the end, hats are thrown and Alina quickly goes to find her family.

They planned to meet on the lawn by the side of the school so that they're not caught up in the mess of everyone trying to get out and get to the parking lot. On her way, she waves to people and tells them congratulations.

As soon as she's rounding the corner to meet her family, Diamond runs over to her.

"Aah, I'm so proud of you. Oh my god." She squeezes her and rocks side to side.

"Thank you. I'm so happy I'm done with this. I'm over it."

"You've been over it since your third year." Jordan says as he walks over with a bouquet of flowers. "I'm just happy you stuck to it."

"It was hard. Don't patronize me." She says as he hugs him too. She hugs her parents and Hoseok's parents as well.

He hugs her last, wanting the longest hug out of her that he can get.

"I'm proud of you, baby." He says as he kisses her temple.

"Thank you. I wouldn't have even been able to do it without you."

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