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Alina sits across from Chase as she eats her salad. He watches her as he drinks his soda.

"I know you didn't make me bring you here so you could eat a salad."

She chews slower and looks at him. She grabs a napkin and wipes the corners of her mouth.

"First of all, you asked to take me out. I just picked the place. Second of all, I'm on a diet. My trainer just had a baby and he'll be out for a few months so I have to do this by myself. If he comes back back and I've put back on the weight I just worked so hard to lose, he'll wring me by my neck."

Alina explains her case and Chase laughs.

"I have never known you to care about your weight. Like, ever. You look fine."

"You don't have to lie." She blinks at him multiple times.

"I'm serious. What do I have to lie for?"

"You tell me how gaining 15 pounds in three months is good?"

Chase tilts his head and his eyebrows pinch together. "That's not that bad at all, Alina. It was gradual as fuck because I didn't notice until you said something. It looks good on you."

That's because you haven't seen me naked. She thinks to herself.

"Whatever. Let me eat my salad in peace. I didn't badger you about your white sauce pasta." She jokes and he laughs.

"Because you tasted it and it was great. Was it not? Your flimsy ass pieces of lettuce dowsed in light French dressing have nothing on that. And why French? That's the worst dressing to get."

"It's also the least fattening."

He rolls his eyes. "Of course it is."

They continue to eat until their food is finished. Chase asks for the check and pays for both of their meals. They leave together and head to the mall. Was Alina just there a few days ago?

Yes, she was. But she hadn't noticed that she needed her eyebrows done then. This morning, she did. The only place she'll let touch them is in the mall. And one guy only. He's great at what he does and he's never messed her shape up. He's actually the one that fixed it.

Her and Chase walk through the mall and she forces herself not to look into stores. If there was anything that she needed to buy, she should have done it the other day. That's the mindset that she keeps if she visits the place more than once a week.

Chase walks by her side and she gasps quietly as she passes the pretzel place.

"Ouu, tell me to keep walking. I don't need them."

He looks back and then at her. "What kind you want?"

She smacks her teeth and looks at her. "You are the worst friend in the world, you know that?"

"Because you don't need to go on a damn diet. The only thing that's fat on you is your ass, Lina."

Her face slowly drops into one of fond recognition. Nobody calls her Lina intentionally except Hoseok. He says it in casual conversation and during their sexually intimate moments. Her heart beats a little faster in her chest.

"Do you want the pretzel bites or not?" Chase's voice draws her from her stupor.

"...Yeah." She says and they walk to stand in the line. She moves her hips side to side, swaying as they wait.

Chase is standing behind her as he scrolls on his phone. He looks up to see her moving and can't help but stare. He doesn't know why she wants to be smaller, she looks just fine to him. In fact, she looks fine to everybody. He has to hear his friends at work comment about her all the time.

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