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"She asked you what?" Hoseok questions as she undresses. He heard what she said. He just can't believe it. He thinks that maybe he should stop underestimating that woman. Even if it's just a threat, it's a worrying one to make.

"I know that she can't say anything about it because of the order but that doesn't take away from the concern. What if they find out? What if somehow they know about us and how we really met? I haven't told them a single thing about any of this court stuff. What if they hear about it, Seok? What am I going to say?"

Alina's heart is beating a million miles a minute in her chest. She's already told her parents that she and Hoseok were friends. How is she going to tell them that 'hey, I lied to you then. We're dating and he's married'. How does one even start that conversation? She doesn't know.

"The truth, Alina. It's going to be hard and maybe they'll be a little disappointed but.." He inhales and exhales. He doesn't know how to articulate anything he's thinking in his head. She holds her parents opinion of her and most things that she does to high regard. It's one of the reasons she never told them about being a sugar baby.

Hoseok is the same with his parents. He doesn't know how they're going to react when he tells the whole truth. He spoke to them about Victoria's infidelity and his own. But he never mentioned how they met.

"We can do it together. Like we've done everything else. It's going to be... Ugh." He rolls his neck back as he sits on the bed. "We just have to do it. We just have to get it over with. Rip the band-aid off."

Alina fills with nervousness and dread. She'd rather do it sooner than later. If she doesn't, it'll eat her up inside and she doesn't want that. Her parents are pretty open minded; they trust her decisions and the reasons behind them. She's not an irresponsible woman. But this... she just worries for their judgement. No matter how silent that it may be.

"They're having family dinner tonight. It would be the easiest way to tell everybody at once. My brother and his fiancé will also be there."

Hoseok gulps and takes a deep breath. As a man, from the outside looking in, this entire situation would make him want to fight. If his daughter or sister was involved in this kind of thing, he'd have wanted to know from jump to monitor it himself. He wouldn't trust the man at all.

But it's something that he'll just have to explain. He and Alina's situation isn't typical. He wasn't just a man looking for a sexual fix outside of his relationship. That's not what this was, it's not what it is.

"How should I dress?" He asks with a small smile. Alina returns it before going into his closet. As she's picking him some clothes out, he thinks about how this is going to play out... what he's going to say.

All that he can be is honest and hope for the best. He loves Alina, they have to know that.


Alina and Hoseok walk up the driveway of her parents house, suddenly regretting their decision.

"Maybe we could wait." She says.

"We still have time to tell them. It doesn't have to be right now." He agrees.

"We can make your spicy noodles and beef and call it a night. Shock is going to miss us anyway." Alina reasons.

The front door swings open and both of them turn to look.

"Now why y'all standing here like y'all ain't no sense? Come on in the house." Mrs. King waves them inside and Alina walks in first. She hugs her mother and takes off her shoes. Hoseok takes his off as well and her mother hugs him too.

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