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Alina stands under the shower, rinsing her body off. Today was supposed to be a gym day for her. Out of habit, she had gotten out of work and started getting ready. She then remembered that her trainer's wife was due to birth their baby soon.

She DMed him to check in and he confirmed that their baby was on the way. They were in the hospital and she was eight centimeters dilated. Alina wished them both luck, understanding how difficult and emotional child birth is. She knows nothing from experience but the things that she's heard said about it and the information that she's read?

Terrifying, to say the least.

After getting out of the shower to dry herself, Alina turns the water off as well. She dresses in dark blue satin pajama shorts and a white tank top. As she's tying her hair up, a call comes through. Hoseok is FaceTiming her. It's a first, he's never done it before.

She takes the scarf off of her head and answers as she walks to her room. He comes into view and Alina can tell right off the bat that he's at work. The view behind him is beautiful as the sun falls under the skyline.

"Did you think of a day to go to the Coach store? I have to schedule a meeting and I don't want the times to clash." He has a pen in his hand as he looks at her.

"I want to go when it opens on Thursday. That's in two days."

Hoseok's eyes drop to her breasts pushing against the fabric of her shirt. She props her phone up on the dresser as she starts folding clothes. She washed them days ago but was too lazy to fold them at the time.

"Okay. What time?"

"They open at 11 but it takes an hour to get there. It might be busy too because it's on a store strip. I want to later in the day when it's not as packed."

He hums as he looks the box.

"I'll just take day off then." He speaks out loud but thinking more to himself. He knows that if she sees anything else that she likes or other stores that she wears, she's going to make stops and detours.

"That works." Alina says as she grabs a pair of jeans. She folds them the long way before placing them on a hanger. She used to put them in her dresser but she learned quickly that jeans are heavy and take up more space than they need to in there.

She sets the hanger on her bed and grabs a shirt. There are socks stuck to it because of static and they fall the ground when she shakes her shirt out to fold it. When she bends to pick them up, her shorts ride up on her butt.

"Why are you never wearing panties?" He asks bluntly. It's a rhetorical question. He knows the reason, it's just very distracting right now.

"Why?" She asks, bending to grab the socks. "Is it bothering you?"

She shakes her ass in the camera and he inhales sharply, holding the breath as he watches her. Hoseok looks flustered, caught off guard by her shameless actions. His cheeks dust pink as he becomes bashful.

He shakes his head as he looks down.

"...no." He says quietly with a small smile on his face.

How can he be so.... How can Alina find him so adorable in this situation? He usually isn't like this with her.

"..do you want to see?"

Hesitantly nonexistent, Hoseok nods.

"Take 'em off." His tone is soft yet stern. It warms Alina from her cheeks to her pussy. She pulls her shorts down before she ruins the material with her arousal. Kicking them to the side, she hears his deep breath in.

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