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It's a rather breezy day today. It's been a very calm morning. Alina and Hoseok woke up without the assistance of their alarms to get ready for the day. They made breakfast and fed Shock as well. They ate together before parting ways with kisses. Alina has to go to work and Hoseok has court.

He's already spoken to his lawyer and caught him up on his moving. He's emailed him a copy of the lease and moving arrangements. Everything is in order on his end.

When he gets to the courthouse, he and his lawyer walk right into the courtroom. The hearing begins with a banging of the gavel and the judge confirms the evidence of Hoseok's move.

"Moving on to further steps. It was stated and proven that Mrs. Jung is filing for divorce on the grounds of infidelity. You have not denied these claims, Mr. Jung. Are you admitting to these accusations?"

"Yes, I am." He states.

His lawyer told him that because he's the one that cheated, he may not be granted the divorce that he filed for. However, other things change the outcome of the decision. Victoria filed for infidelity, something that he didn't want to initially speak on. Now, he has no choice but to do so to ensure his legal split.

"My client is also adding further evidence to his case." His lawyer stands and hands the bailiff a folder.

"Long before Victoria witnessed Hoseok's infidelity, he hired a private investigator of his own under suspicion that she was cheating on him. All of his information is there for verification along with his badge number. He works for a sector of the police department. Apart from that, Victoria has also been physically abusive on more than one occasion."

Victoria's heart beats faster in her chest as she looks to Hoseok. He stares straight ahead at the judge as she looks through the photos. He's taken out the ones of her being intimate with them. Despite how he may feel about her, he didn't want anyone else to see her that way out of respect for consent.

Her lawyer interjects to add his own piece. "Mrs. Jung only defended herself against her husband after he became belligerent during an argument."

Hoseok whips his head in her direction. No fucking way she lied like that. His lawyer, of course, comes with receipts.

"That's not true. The first time that Victoria was physically abusive was on their trip to Morocco." He hands the bailiff another set of papers. "They did get into an argument and Victoria became physically abusive. If you look at the photos provided, she caused two gashes in the face; one in the jaw and one in the eyebrow. He had to get two to three stitches to close each one. His clothes were ripped up and his chest had heavy amounts of scratches caused by her fingernails. There is also a medical statement of care by the clinic in the country and a bill statement from his insurance for out of the country servicing."

Victoria gulps as the judge looks through papers and reads them. Her mind races thinking of things to say, ways that she could defend herself.

"He pushed me. I'm pregnant and we didn't even know it then. He still put his hands on me."

"That's another thing, actually." Hoseok's lawyer states. "The child that Mrs. Jung is carrying is not my client's. We'd like a paternity test to prove that. One is also needed for the restraining order recently granted to Miss Alina King against her. It has to be done through this court case to ensure that she cannot have third party contact through Hoseok."

The judge nods as she places the papers back in their respective folders. She licks her lips and intertwines her fingers on her podium.

"On the basis of infidelity of both parties, the most that I can grant is legal separation. But due to the domestic violence, the restraining order and possible paternity issue, a total divorce is highly likely. In order for that to be done, we'll need a DNA test done within the next seven to ten days. If it is found that Mr. Jung is not the child's father, a complete divorce will be initiated. Next hearing, we'll talk about where to move from there. If any of your financial accounts or belongings are joint, we'll talk about if and how those will be split."

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