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Alina stands at the counter of her job, fighting the urge to double over from the amount of pain that she's in. She's been cramping worse than usual lately and ibuprofen and Tylenol do very little to help her.

This entire experience just makes her want to take her entire uterus out. She doesn't even want it anymore. She's so sick of the damned thing.

Her co-worker looks at her with eyes of worry.

"You good over there?" He asks as he looks at her skeptically.

"Mhm." Alina hums as she gets another wave of stabbing again. "I'm fine."

She knows that cramps and intermittent bleeding are normal for a first time getting an IUD placement. The doctor told her all of that. But Alina's pain tolerance is in hell right now and this just isn't something that she can take on a weekly basis.

"You sure?"

"Mm-." Her hum of approval is interrupted as she holds her breath.

"Alina, go home." He tells her as he hands her the tablet to clock out. "You clearly don't feel good. Maybe you should go to the doctor or something. But if you're in pain like this, you don't need to be here. I'll call Josh in."

Alina thanks him and clocks out. She grabs all of her things and gets in her car to go home. The first thing she does is go to the bathroom. There's not a lick of blood anywhere, she's just in pain.

After much research, she learns that this is a normal occurrence among with women with IUDs. She's annoyed by that news but sticks it out nonetheless. She takes ibuprofen, hoping it will help. She drinks lots of water and uses the heating pad to soothe herself. The warmth helps a lot but she's still in a bit of pain.

Eventually, she just goes to sleep to escape from all of the pain and agony she's in.

Hours later while she's resting, her phone rings twice. The third time wakes her up. She fumbles to answer it.


"Are you home?"

"Yeah... I've been home. I had to leave work early." She says groggily.

"Why? What happened? Come open the door."

Alina gets up and walks to the door, hanging the phone up as she does so. She opens the door to her garage and Hoseok walks into the house. He takes his shoes off and wraps his arms around her for a hug.

"Be careful, Seok. My stomach hurts." She whines and he loosens up on her.

"Are you okay?" He asks as he looks over her body for injury.

"I'm fine. It's this fucking IUD. It's giving me cramps." She says as they walk back to her room.

"Like when you first got it?"

"Yeah. This dumb ass shit." She gets back into her bed and he gets in behind her, spooning her body as she balls up under the blankets. He puts his hand on her stomach, rubbing back and forth as a massage for her.

"You called your doctor?"

"No. They just gonna tell me to take some Tylenol or ibuprofen and wait for it to pass like they did before. It's normal, apparently. I looked it up."

"Yeah but months after like this?"

"Yeah. I was on this website and women were talking about their experience with it. Some were good, some were bad but I was looking for stuff more tuned to my situation. Most of them said it goes away and if not, then call my doctor."

"Mm." Hoseok hums as he thinks. He feels like it's such a horrible thing to deal with. He doesn't even want to think about it any longer.

"Give it a couple days then and call. I don't want you to be in pain, baby."

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