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It's been five days since Victoria threatened Alina. Five very long, stressful days. He told her what happened, along with his friends. Alina was worried but more upset than anything. She wants to beat Victoria's ass but she knows that she can't. For one, Hoseok is still going through with the divorce process. He has to, they both filed. If Alina beats her up, that's not going to be good for either of them.

And two, she's pregnant. Hoseok had to tell her that in order to stop her from finding her social media and figuring out where she works. It did not, however, stop Diamond from doing so. She said that she can wait the nine months out. She's got nothing but time. Alina reminded her that she already has an assault charge on her record. Let's not make it two.

Hoseok has had to have limited contact with his girlfriend being that his wife is always in his face lately. It's like she's holding Alina's information over his head. And that's exactly why he hired a security duo for her. One of his friends owns a security company so it was no problem for him to get a detail on Alina. She knows about them and has spoken to them a few times since they've been out and about.

They've been running into the P.I. that Victoria has on Alina and at this point, it's venturing more into stalking.

When Hoseok explained to his friends what had happened, they were pissed. Shocked but pissed. More so with how vile Victoria is being despite everything she's doing that she thinks he doesn't know about. He didn't tell her that he knew about her cheating. He still had hope that this would be clean. But she's clearly playing dirty.

Victoria knows that he's still going for divorce. She said that she'd drop hers if he dropped his. He rolled his eyes and told her that he'd rather die.

She was served her papers for the initial court hearing. She laughed when she saw them, telling Hoseok that it was pointless to still want it. He'd be losing more than he'd gain. She told her own lawyer about her husband's infidelity, never mentioning her own or that she has hit him. She told him everything else though.

"How did she even get any of Alina's information?" Taehyung asks as they sit at the bar. "P.I.s can't give that stuff out. It's illegal."

"That's what I said. There's no way that shit was legit. While she was out with Katie and her husband the other day, I stayed home from work. She might still have him on my ass so I'm being cautious. But I stayed home and went through all her shit. I found the folder with all her information on it. The guy's a fucking idiot. His email was at the bottom of the page for her to contact him if she needed anything."

Hoseok pulls out his phone and shows Taehyung the picture that he took of it. He couldn't take the paper. That'd be obvious.

"Tristan Bunt?" Taehyung takes his own phone out and searches the name. A search result comes up and he chuckles when he reads it. "Oh my god. How stupid can they be?"

Tae shows Hoseok and he reads it.

"Identify theft and scamming?" Hoseok reads out loud. Tristan has already been to prison. It makes sense that he was able to get so much information on Alina. He's a convicted felon for shit like this.

"Time for him to go back, I guess." Taehyung says as Hoseok hands him phone. He screenshots the mugshot and public record information. Hoseok laughs at his best friend's words.

"I guess so." He takes a shot and licks his lips. His phone vibrates and he sees that Victoria is calling. He rolls his eyes and lets it ring. She calls him a second time and he answers, knowing she's not going to stop.

"What do you want?"

"Is that any way to talk to your wife?"

He hangs up on her and runs his hands through his hair, pushing it back from his forehead.

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