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"Uugghhhh. Oh my god. I'm so sick of this shit."

Alina groans from the amounts of pain that she's in. Yet again, she feels like she's being impaled. The way that she's cramping has her doubled over in the bed, ready to scream for help.

"Girl, did you calm the damn doctor like I said?" Diamond asks from her side of the couch. She came over after work to spend time with her best friend.

"Yeah, I have to go in at four. Apparently, I'm due for a Pap smear anyway so they're going to check it all when I go."

"I'm coming with you. Just in case they try to bullshit you with this one. I'm not going for it. Cause they be in there gaslighting women knowing damn well they be in pain. Ignorant ass doctors."

Diamond starts her rant and Alina checks the time. It's 3:30. She listens to her best friend talk her mess while she gets ready to get to the doctor. She grabs the keys and they get in Alina's car to drive to the appointment.

When they get there, she checks in and is called back shortly after. They weigh her, gets a pee sample and her vitals before asking her to change into the hospital gown. She does so and gets on the examination table.

Diamond texts her while she's in there, telling her what questions to ask and things like that. The doctor comes into the room and verifies who Alina is before talking about what she's in for.

"I hear you're having some uterine pain. Like cramping type of pain?"

"Yeah. Like really bad cramps though. It feels like I'm being stabbed or something and it lasts for hours at a time. Pain meds don't help and I have to use a heating mad to even calm it down. I can barlely stand when it gets like that."

"And you're not bleeding or anything, correct?"

"Correct. I was spotting a little the first time it happened but after that, nothing."

"Hm. Okay, honey. Just put your legs on the holders for me. I'm gonna take a look and see what's going on, okay?"

Alina puts her feet up and her gynecologist gets the tool to open her vagina. That puts her in a lot more pain than either of them though it would. She has to grab onto the edge of the examination table to refocus her pain.

"I'm sorry, honey. I know this hurts. I can see what the issue is though. We're going to bring in the portable ultrasound device to make sure though, okay."

"What?" Alina sits up, panicking at the news of needing an ultrasound. She's instantly put in pain and lays back down, balking her fists up and clenching her eyes shut.

"I'll be right back, honey." The doctor walks out and closes the door behind her.

Alina opens her eyes at her heart beats out of her chest.

"No... No. Hell no. Ain't no fucking way. Hell naw." She talks to herself. "I will sue. I swear to god. I will sue this fucking doctor and Hoseok's ass. I am not playing. This is emotional distress or something. It gotta be."

It isn't that she doesn't want to have kids with Hoseok. She just hasn't thought about that at all. Not right now and definitely not during his divorce.

The doctor comes back in and Alina is visibly upset. She crosses her arms over her chest as the woman being in the machine and a nurse. She speaks to neither one of them as they put the gel on her stomach and wand the area.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." The doctor says out loud. Alina looks and sees nothing but gray. She calms down a little but is still confused and very frustrated.

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