Chapter 31

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Y/n's POV

"So I've already made a name for myself?" I asked looking at Fukuro.

"With the things that you've helped prevent, one could almost say that you were a knight of justice. However you attacked a knight of justice now you must be punished for your crime." Fukuro said. I looked at him and smiled. "Try me." I said activating my magic. Papa used his magic to hit Fukuro before kicking him in the jaw. Fukuro landed on a different platform before standing up with his head twisted around. He turned his head back around looking at papa. "That's creepy." Sapphire said. I nodded in agreement as he launched his jetpack at papa. Some mechanical arms came out of the jetpack and grabbed papa before spinning him around. "I've learned my enemies weakness' before going into a fight." Fukuro said. 

"Let's go Sapphire." I said. She grabbed onto my shirt and flew me over to Fukuro. "Water dragon Iron fist." I said hitting Fukuro in the chest. He flew back into the wall before his jetpack released papa and launched him towards Fukuro. Fukuro jumped in the air and caught papa in his mouth before trying to swallow him. "What's going on here? And what's that guy doing to Natsu?" Gray asked. I looked over to see him standing next to Simon. "My prey was tasty, but now I get his magic energy too." Fukuro said. Happy charged at him wanting to get papa back, but I felt papa's magic starting to form in front of Fukuro. "Sapphire throw me in front of Happy." I said. Sapphire did her best to throw me in front of Happy. I managed to stop him in his tracks before being blasted by Fukuro using papa's magic. "Y/n!" Sapphire yelled. 

I landed on one of the cages rolling to protect Happy. "Y/n are you oaky?" Happy asked as I let him out of my arms. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said rolling onto my chest. My back was burning as I pushed myself off the metal. Sapphire flew over to us and landed in front of my face. "How could you do something that stupid?" She asked. 

"I wanted to protect him." I said. Sapphire sighed and hopping on my back she used some magic to pour water onto my back to start healing me. "You need to worry about yourself sometimes." Sapphire said. I shook my head and stood my back looking at Fukuro. "You should stay down, those burns will get worse if you move." Gray said. 

"After eating Natsu he gained his magical powers." Simon said. Fukuro shot flames towards me using papa's magic. "Water dragon Roar!" I said causing a cloud of steam to fill part of the room. "Hohohoo, using steam to hide your movements." Fukuro said. I quietly moved over to where Fukuro was. He used his jetpack to clear away most of the steam that we had made. "Sorry papa, but I'm trying to save you. Water dragon Iron fist!" I shouted. Fukuro turned around as I punched him in the stomach. "You'll have to try harder then that." Fukuro said. I looked up at him and saw that he was ready to hit me. "Ice make shield." Gray said as a wall of ice appeared in front of me. Fukuro smashed it as I managed to jump back away from him. "We don't have time for this. We need to find your friend and get Erza out of that card." Gray said. He jumped up to the cage we were standing on and stood between me and Fukuro. "Get some rest." Gray said. 

"No, I'm going to take this bird out." I said. Gray looked back at me as I walked in front of him. "You believe that a child like you can take out a true knight of justice?" Fukuro asked. 

"Alright, let's see what you've got." Gray said. 

"Thanks." I said. He nodded and sat down behind me. "Gray you should help Y/n!" Simon yelled. 

"Fire Dragon Roar!" Fukuro yelled shooting fire towards me.

"Water Dragon Water wall!" I said making a wall of water in front of me. Our attacks produced steam again this time I charged forward and punched Fukuro in the chest. He coughed a little as he flew backwards. "Just because you have my papa's powers doesn't mean you have his strength." I said. Fukuro lunged at me and started trying to eat me like he did papa. "No way are you eating me." I said. I gathered all my strength and forced him into the ground. "What power you have." Fukuro said. 

"We can't afford to waste anymore time." I said. Fukuro used papa's fire dragon iron fist spell while I matched him with my water dragon iron fist knocking him back once more. "Time for you to leave this place." I said slamming my hands onto the cage roof. 

"You guys might want to grab something. Water Dragon Tsunami Breath!" I shouted as my spell hit Fukuro with the force of a tsunami knocking papa out of his stomach and sending Fukuro through the wall out of the towers. The water from my attack filled up some of the room and covered Gray and Simon in water, Simon and Gray hanging onto the cages and Happy and Sapphire flying above us. "Jeez Y/n, that's a new spell." Gray said. 

"Yeah, it's one that I can't use all the time due to the force it creates as it's shot out." I said. 

"For someone so young you're quite strong." Simon said. We all gathered on one of the cages roofs. "I think it's best if you all leave while I take Natsu with me to fight Jellal." Simon said.

"There's no way that's happening." I said. 

"Please just listen once Natsu unleashes his full power nothing can stop him." Simon said.

"I don't care, I'm going with papa." I said.

":Y/n we shouldn't be debating this." Simon said.

"Y/n, you promise you'll do everything to help him and Erza?" Gray asked. I looked at him and nodded. "Alright, Happy, Sapphire let's head out of here." Gray said.

"I'm sorry Gray, but I'm staying here with Y/n." Sapphire said.

"Alright, just make sure you four get out of there safely." Gray said. Simon looked up for a second before looking at us. "I just got a message from Wally and Milliana they found Lucy and Juvia." Simon said. 

"Okay, I'll head out with Happy we'll meet you two later." Gray said. I nodded as Simon started leading the way towards the top of the tower.

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