Chapter 49

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Y/n's POV

"Open portal of the demon's wail!" Zero said. Papa and I looked at the spell in front of us as it seemed that people were coming from it. "Now go on travelers of the void and consume those two souls and their memory. Consume their very existence. Devour him, do it for the sake of your master." Zero said. Papa and I were caught up in the spell, which seemed to drag us down before we were in a world of black and white. "My sweet Y/n, you let that man defeat you. You proved that you're a true dragon slayer to me when you divided that ocean, remember? Take pride in that and show them that pride. Began the raging river you were meant to be. I'm proud of you. Now go and take back that pride." Kaida's voice said. I felt my power growing again before papa and I broke free of the spell that Zero cast. "No! It can't be!" Zero shouted. Papa and I walked towards Zero as our magic raged around us. "How did you two come back from the void!" Zero asked. Papa's fire seemed to be burning away the magic that Zero was using, while mine seemed to purify the magic and release it into the air. "Such brilliant golden flames and calm blue waters! They're washing and burning away my magic!" Zero shouted. Papa and I roared as Zero looked at us. We dashed forward and punched Zero in the face, sending him flying back. "We're done playing games with you pal! Dragon Slayer secret art: Hidden Fire Form - Crimson Lotus: Pheonix Blade!" Papa shouted.

"Dragon Slayer secret art: Hidden water form - Ocean Blue: Kraken Blade!" I shouted. We shot into the air, catching Zero in our spells as we continued to roar and smashed into the lacrima that was powering Nirvana. Nirvana started crumbling as papa and I stood up. "Man, that was tough." Papa said.

"That lacrima was hard to break." I said.

"No more doubting myself. Thank you, Igneel." Papa said. I smiled and looked up at the ceiling above us. "You too Kaida. Thank you." I said. Papa and I smiled as we looked at Zero, who was on the floor. The surrounding room began shaking violently as papa fell into a hole that opened near him. Jellal rushed over and caught him. "That was close." Papa said. 

"I've got you." Jellal said.

"For now, anyway. This spells trouble for you, too." Papa said. The roof began collapsing above us as the three of us started moving to get out. I heard a scream before recognizing that it was Wendy's before we started looking around, but everything was getting closed off by rubble. Hoteye came out of the ground and grabbed onto me, papa and Jellal before using his magic to help us escape from Nirvana. We popped out of the ground behind everyone as Hoteye spoke up. "Love drives us to save our friends. Oh, yeah." Hoteye said. 

"There they are, always with the dramatic entrance." Gray said. Wendy looked at us with tears in her eyes. "They're okay." Wendy said. She came running over to us as I heard Carla talking about Hoteye. Wendy jumped at me and papa hugging both of us. "You both kept your promise. You're the greatest. I can't thank either of you enough. If it weren't for you, Cait Shelter would've been wiped out." Wendy said, letting us out of her hug.

"It was nothing." I said, with a big goofy smile like papa's.

"Well, there's no way I could've done it on my own. Thanks you guys." Papa said, looking at everyone else.

"You saved my guild." Wendy said.

"No we saved your guild." Papa said.

"I didn't do much." Wendy said.

"From what I can figure you managed to destroy a lacrima since Jellal was with us." I said. 

"You're right." Wendy said as tears were still flowing down her face. She high fived papa before I walked over and hugged her. "You were amazing out there. I bet Grandeeny would be proud." I said.

"I'm glad everyone made it out of there okay." Happy said. After that papa and I ended up on the ground exhausted from using all that magic we had to fight Zero. Sapphire eventually came flying over us and landing on top of me before scolding me again for leaving her behind. Wendy tried to convince everyone that Jellal was now a good guy before I spoke up and supported her. I could hear Erza talking to Jellal about what he'll do now that he's free. I smiled knowing that she'd make him trust his feels. Ichiya shouted as we all looked at him as he mentioned a wall in front of him. "Look there's weird writing on the ground." Wendy pointed out. 

"No it can't be." Jura said before the enchantment took place. Everyone was looking around trying to figure out what was going on. "Okay! Who did this show yourselves!" Papa demanded. A bunch of people walked up and stood around where the enchantment was. "Who are all these people?" Wendy asked.

"There's no need to panic. We mean you no harm. Sorry about this, but we were forced to do something to restrain you." Someone said, stepping out in front of the others. Everyone looked at him. "Who the heck are you?" I asked. 

"I am the captain of the new magic council's fourth custody enforement unit. Lahar and this is my army." Lahar said. Everyone was shocked to hear that there was a new magic council. "It is my duty to uphold the law and perseve justice throughout the land. So all evil doers will be arrested." Lahar said.

"We're not evil doers." Carla said. I sighed before laying back down while everyone tried to say something about being arrested. "I'm not here to arrest you. I have been order totake the Oracion Seis into custody. I ask that you cooperate and hand over the member code named Hoteye." Lahar said. Jura stood up and didn't want to before Hoteye stopped him saying he'd surrender. He explained why he was doing it to Jura before Jura offered to keep looking for Hoteye's brother. Hoteye told us about what happened to him and his brother which sounded horrible to live like. Erza stepped up and told Hoteye about how his brother was travelling the contient before Hoteye broke down crying as he thanked her. He was led off to the carriage before Ichiya begged to have the enchantment lifted. "I'm sorry we can't do that just yet, not until we've captured our true objective. A fiend who infiltrated and destroyed the magic council, fired the etherion canon. A man more villainous then the Oracion Seis truly black of heart. I'm refering to you Jellal. Let's go. Know that if you resist we explict orders to kill you." Lahar said.

"Leave him alone!" Wendy shouted. 

"You're making a msitake, man." Papa said.

"Jellal Fernandes is a criminal, soceity is in danger so long as he roams free. He must be brought to justice." Lahar said.

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