Chap 1. A Water Dragon Slayer?

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A/n: Please do recommend a name for a water dragon I can't think of a good one.

Natsu's POV

Me, Lucy, and Happy were heading back to the guild after we had completed a job in a town not too far away from Magnolia. "Hey Lucy, why'd you pick a job where we had to wreck things?" I asked. Lucy stopped walking and looked back at me, before sighing at me and Happy. "Any job we take has to have some destruction, just so I don't lose my rent money." Lucy answered. She started walking again, me and Happy followed her slowly. She stopped once more, but this time she was looking at something off to the side. "D-do you have any food I-I can h-have?" a girl said. I looked over to where Lucy was looking and saw a teal haired girl asking people for food, it looked like everyone avoided even coming close to her. We stood there for a second before watching the girl walk down an alley after not getting to food. "Hey! Why're all of you avoiding her!" I yelled. Everyone looked at me, and then away trying to avoid my gaze I ran after the girl.

Y/n's POV

I was heading back to a small box that I called home when I heard someone running towards me. I turned around to see a guy with pink hair, a blue cat that was flying, and a girl with blonde hair all running towards me, I crawled into my box and tried to hide from them. "Hey, you can come out we heard that you were hungry and wondered if you wanted something to eat." someone said. I came out from hiding as fast as I could to see who offered me food to eat, I saw the blonde hair girl, the blue cat and the pink haired guy standing outside the box. "Really! Will you really give me some food?" I asked as my stomach growled loudly. The people looked at me shocked and I nervously laughed rubbing the back of my head. "When was the last time you ate?" the girl asked. I counted in my head how many days it had been, I held out both of my hands and showed that I hadn't eaten in ten days. "I think it has been ten days." I said with a giggle after that. The girl looked at me shocked and the boy had a huge smile on his face, the cat was munching on a fish that he had pulled out. "How are you alive? It's not normal to live past about three without food." The girl said.

"Well I have a secret, I'm a wizard, a dragon named Aqua trained me as a dragon slayer." I said showing off a little bit of magic with the water around us. They looked at me in shock as I told them that and showed them what I could do. "So you're a water dragon slayer? And you were raised by a dragon too?" The boy asked shaking my shoulders. I nodded and pulled out a picture I had drawn of Aqua, the girl took it and looked at it. "So this is who raised you?" She asked. I nodded, as we started to walk out of the alley, people looked at us as we walked towards a small restaurant. We entered the restaurant to see everyone staring at us, I instinctively hid behind the girl trying my best not to be seen. "A table for two?" Someone asked. I saw the girl shake her head and moved slightly so I could be seen. "So two adults, and a child?" The person asked smiling at us. The girl nodded as we were then lead to a booth for us to sit at, the girl and boy got big menus while I got a kids menu. "By the way my name is Lucy, this is Natsu and Happy, what's your name." Lucy asked after pointing to Natsu and Happy.

"My name is Y/n, Aqua gave it to me." I said as I looked over the menu. Lucy handed me the drawing of Aqua back to me, I pointed to a meal that had little nuggets made in the shape of dragons. "Can I have this one please?" I asked. Lucy smiled and nodded, I flipped the menu over to see a maze on it. The person who gave us the menus came over to us giving me a a magic crayon so I could do the maze. "Is there anything you folks would like to drink?" The waitress. asked. I started doing the maze tuning out Lucy, Natsu, Happy, and the waitress, I felt someone shake my shoulder pulling me out of my concentration. "Y/n, do you have anywhere to live other then where we saw you go?" Lucy asked. I shook my head, starting to mess with my long messy teal hair. "Why don't you come with us to Fairy Tail, since you're a wizard you can join the guild and work to earn money and make new friends and join a family." Lucy said. I looked at her in shock and quickly nodded my head. "I want to be in a family, I haven't had a family since Aqua left me." I said turning back to my maze. I happily swung my legs as the waitress came back to take our order. "So what will everyone be having?" She asked. Lucy said what she wanted and they went around the table saying what they wanted until they got to me. "She said she wanted the nuggets that were dragon shaped." Lucy said. I was getting through the maze when another showed up letting me continue to play until our food showed up.

Once we got our food we ate it and left I let out a yawn before tripping. "Oops don't want to fall now do you?" Lucy said. I shook my head and stood up grabbing onto Lucy's clothes, I rubbed my eye trying to stay awake. "Come on, let's get you to your new home." Lucy said picking me up. I shook my head and pointed to the alley way where I lived, Lucy turned and looked at the alley as well. "Aqua gave me something, it's back at my box. It's a little dragon that Aqua helped me sew before she left." I said. Lucy made her way to my box and picked up my little dragon handing it to me, I nodded as a thank you and took it. "Alright take a nap for now, we'll wake you up when we get to the guild." Lucy said. I nodded before letting out another yawn and laying my head on Lucy's shoulder.

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