Chapter 39

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Y/n's POV

"Now then, since all guilds are present, we can begin." Jura said.

"You're not phased by this?" I asked.

"Of course he's not." Lyon said.

"What's Cait Shelter thinking, sending a young girl like this? They must be hurting for members if they sent just her." Sherry said. I growled and looked at Sherry, who was just looking at Wendy. "She's tougher than she looks." I growled.

"And she isn't alone." Carla said. I looked back and saw Carla walking into the house. I heard a gasp from Happy as he looked at Carla, who was clearly pretty to him. "What is this?" Gray asked.

"A Cat?" Lyon asked.

"She's just like Happy." Papa said.

"She can talk too?" Mama asked.

"Stupid cat, I'm not gaudy." Sherry said.

"That's your beef?" Mama asked.

"Hi Carla. It's nice seeing you again." I said, waving at her. Carla smiled and waved back. "Oh, Carla, you followed me here?" Wendy questioned.

"You didn't know she was coming too?" I asked.

"No." Wendy answered.

"Of course I came. Wendy's far too young to travel unaccompanied, but since you're here Y/n I shouldn't need to worry as much." Carla said. I smiled, happy to know that Carla trusts me that much. The three guys from before tried to flirt with Carla which I giggled at before I looked at Happy who was completely stunned. After a few seconds Happy walked over to mama and tried to convince her to help him be noticed by Carla. Mama decided to copy what Happy does to her with Loki. "I'm sorry, I'm probably not what you expected. I'm know I'm much smaller and younger than all of you and I'm not much of a fighter, but I can use all kinds of support magic. So please let me join the group. I'd be so embarrassed if you sent me home." Wendy begged.

Everyone was stunned by what Wendy said before I stepped next to her and grabbed her hand. "I'll be there to help fight since you can't." I said. Wendy smiled before I saw Carla walk up in front of me. "You can't baby her all the time. She has to learn to be confident in her own abilities." Carla complained.

"I'm sorry." I said. Carla and Wendy started talking while everyone else just looked and us. "Forgive me, I was caught off guard. We're glad to have you aboard, Wendy." Big sis said.

"Oh wow, you're really Erza." Wendy said.

"You're not exactly the monster I pictured." Carla said.

"Shall I introduce everyone?" I asked. Wendy nodded before waiting for me to continue. I went around the room introducing the people that were here with us. I finished introducing people by introducing mama, papa, big sis and Gray last. "You call Erza big sis?" Wendy asked. I nodded. Happy came up and tried to introduce himself to Carla who flat out ignored him. The trio of guys talked about how Wendy would look when she grew up before Hibiki tried to flirt with her a little. I got possessive and wrapped my arms around Wendy making Hibiki back off. I overheard Jura talking with Ichiya about Wendy's magic which I honestly didn't know much about either. Eventually Ichiya had the trimen clean up the place before standing on a platform with lights. "Now that all parties involved are here let's get this mission briefing started. Our first order of business is determining the location of Oracion Seis." Ichya said before mentioning he need to use the bathroom. While he was gone I sat on the ground relaxing some before Wendy sat down next to me. "I'm so happy that we're able to work on this job together." Wendy said.

"Me too, but something about this seems weird." I said.

"What do you mean?" Wendy asked.

"Not sure, something just seems off right now." I said. Ichiya came back from the bathroom and started explaining that in the Worth Wood Sea near where we were was a ancient magic that was sealed away. We started talking about it before the Trimen talked about the members of Ocraion Seis. "Question can I stay behind and not die today?" Mama asked.

"I don't wanna die either, so may I pelase go home?" Wendy asked. I looked at her before walking over and hugging her from behind. Wendy was just short enough that I could hug her from behind and look over her head. "No you may not, we have a job to do." Carla said.

"Curb your fear my friends, there's more to our operation then mortal combat. With your help prehaps we can find the enemies stronghold." Ichiya said. The trimen and Ichya talked about the chance of there being a stronghold for the members of Orcaion Seis to use in the Worth Woods Sea. Big sis asked about the next part of the plan before Ichya revealed the pride of the Blue Peagus guild which would cast all of the into oblivion. A few people knew about it, but I didn't know what they were talking about. "Are we sure we need that? There's only six of them." Mama asked.

"That's the kind of people we're dealing with. Under no ciscumstance should you engage the enemy in solo combat. Our best bet is to seperate them then devote two wizards to each fight." Jura said. Wendy and mama started freaking out again. "Wendy calm down, I'll do everything I can to protect you." I whispered. She stopped shaking and looked up at me. "It'll be okay." I said.

"Let's go I'm all fired up!" Papa shouted before taking off without the rest of us. I giggled as everyone followed after papa who was far ahead of us now. I let Wendy out of my hug before stepping in front of her and grabbing her hand. "Come on Let's get going before everyone gets all the fun." I said. Wendy looked at me and nodded before we took off running after everyone else as Jura tried to get everyone to stick together, but no one listened to him as we took off running.

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