Chapter 59

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Y/n's POV

After resting for the entire evening, night finally came and, we started moving towards the mine that led into the castle. We ran through the royal captial which was completely silent since there was no one out at the time. Carla was looking at the map she had made while we were resting as we continued running towards the mine's entrance. "We should be arriving at the entrance to the tunnel any moment now." Carla said.  We found the entrance and stood in front of it looking inside. "Is this it?" I asked. 

"Yes, I'm positive." Carla said.

"In we go." Dad said, walking into the tunnel.

"Wait!" Carla called. 

"Again with the stopping?" Dad asked, turning back to face Carla.

"I understand that time is of the essence, but trust me, we'll need a source of light in the tunnel." Carla said. 

"I got this. One torch coming up." Dad said, still forgetting that he didn't have his magic. He punched the air, trying to get his fist to ignite. So we'd have some light in the tunnel. Dad looked confused, as he didn't make any fire with his hands. "You seem to have forgotten again. Your magic power simply doesn't work here in Edolas. Honestly Y/n, next time you want a father figure, find someone a bit better." Carla said. I nervously laughed as I looked away from dad. Dad kicked a rock into the tunnel, since he was still frustrated about that fact. "I can't exactly see that Lucy, being the only other one of us that can use magic, is a very comforting thought." Happy said.

"Give it a rest Happy, you're just jealous." Mom said. Happy covered his mouth and looked back at mom. "I'm sorry, did I say that out loud?" Happy asked, looking up at mom. Wendy looked back as I saw mom carrying what looked like torches in her hands. "What do you have there, Lucy?" Wendy asked.

"I got us torches." Mom said, laughing proudly. Mom pointed to a small shack that was near the entrance as she explained how she made them. "All we have to do is light these babies up and we'll have no problem seeing." Mom said.

"And how will we do that?" Carla asked. 

"Good question." Mom said, sadly. Mom dragged dad back over to the group before handing him a wooden plank and a stick before they both got to working with a stick to get any sort of flame going. "This has got to be the most humiliating thing I've ever done in my life." Dad complained. I was silently laughing as I stood next to Wendy watching mom and dad try to make a fire. "We've got no other choice. It really does illustrate how convenient magic can be even for little things." Mom said. 

"Old timey people must've been impressive if they could make fire, by rubbing a couple sticks together ike that." Happy said. Carla, Wendy and I all nodded in agreement about Happy's statement. Dad ended up breaking the stick that he was using to try and light the fire before groaning about it. "Man I suck at making fire." Dad complained.

"Woah, I did it." Mom said. Everyone was happy to see that mom managed to do it while Carla mentioned that dad couldn't even make a spark. Mom lit the two torches and handed one to Wendy and dad took the other. "Now that that's over can I rest for a little while?" Mom asked. I looked at dad before he ate the fire on the torch. "Yeha, maybe eating fire will bring your magic back." Happy said. 

"That's right, so did it work?" Mom asked.

"Feel it yet?" Happy asked.

"Wouldn't it have worked for Wendy already since we've been here for a while?" I asked. 

"Definitely feeling hot right here." Dad said, pointing to his chest.

"Well does it feel like magic?" Happy asked. 

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