Chapter 66

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Y/n's POV

Once we made it to the royal city we ran into Nadi he explained to us the plan that Jellal had made with Pather Lily and how neither of them shold be the villian of the story. After that the six of us came up with a plan to prove that we were the villians rather than Jellal or Panther Lily. We grabbed some costume pieces from around town while everyone was panicking before setting up on a roof near the castle towers. The five of us were standing on top of a building as we looked down on the citizens ready to play our part in the plan to make Jellal a king. "Ready?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's do this." Dad said. He stepped forward near the edge of the building before he started laughing. "I am the demon they call Dragneel! And I've come here to this world to steal all of your magic power!" Dad shouted. The citizens stopped rushing around and looked up at the five of us. "Faust ain't your king anymore! Cause I've kicked his sorry old butt!" Dad shouted, showing the king who we had tied up on the roof. The citizens looked shocked as they stared at dad. "But I decided to spare his life for now." Dad said, laughing some more. The citizens begged for dad not to hurt the king and let him go. "Come now, my faithful servants it's time to trash the city!" Dad shouted. The four of us took off and started destroying little bits of the city  to show how evil we were. "These villians won't stop until they've destoryed everything in sight! The city is under attack by demons from another world!" Gajeel's counterpart said. I saw Wendy trying to scare a little kid, but it wasn't working before I showed up behind her and scared the kid off. Wendy was clearly bad at playing a villian before I turned and destroyed another small piece of the city. "Just look at them they're an unstoppable force of evil!" Gajeel's counterpart said. 

"Just what do you think you're doing? Stop this!" Jellal shouted. Dad commanded us to keep destorying things, but Gajeel almost started a fight with dad. The citizens were starting to believe that we were the ones who were responsible for taking their magic away. "Better be careful. Cause you know what happens when you play with fire!" Dad said, using his Roar spell. 

"Natsu! Stop this now!" Jellal shouted. The citizens turned to see who was talking before looking at the castle tower. "Are you telling me what to do? You little punk?" Dad asked. 

"Stop this foolishness, the king has been defeated. There's no need to attack innocent people." Jellal said.

"Oh yeah?" Dad asked, using a spell at thepoele, but avoided hitting them. I smiled knowing that dad was probably loving to get to play the bad guy. "If you're trying to scare me it ain't gonna work. I don't care if you are the prince." Dad said, revealing that Jellal was the prince. The citizens were shocked to see that he had returned after vanishing years ago. "Let's fight. Or your precious city is going to be burned to the ground." Dad said. 

"Natsu! Stay right there!" Jellal said, jumping down from the tower. 

"Didn't you hear me? I am the great and powerful lord Dragneel!" Dad said. Jellal came rushing towards us. Gajeel's counterpart was talking up Jellal and trying to help make him out to be the hero. Jellal tried using his sleeping spell against us, but the Anima easily took away the power from his staff. "What's the matter? Scared without your magic huh? Well you should because I got plenty!" Dad said, attacking the building. 

"Natsu! You're going way too far!" Wendy shouted.

"No he's not. The more powerful a villian's magic seems to everyone the stronger the hero looks when defeating him without any. magic at all." Gajeel said. Jellal and dad were standing face to face staring each other down. "Listen to me Natsu, you're making a big mistake with all this. this whole show you're putting on. You can't expect to fool all these people." Jellal said.

"I challenge you!" Dad said, punching Jellal. Jellal landed on his back before getting up and looking at dad. "You fool, you cna't bring the people together like this, through evil!" Jellal said, trying to punch dad. Dad stopped the attack before telling Jellal to fight him for real. Jellal kicked down in the face while the citizens were starting to cheer for Jellal to take down dad.

"Yeah, now they're really into it." Dad said.

"You idiot, you should've stayed down so we didn't have to stretch this out any further." Jellal said.

"Not my style." Dad said, punching Jellal in the stomach. The citizens were starting to believe more and more in Jellal as their fight continued. Dad and Jellal exchanged a few punches before dad leaned in close to Jellal. "This is it buddy, I'm going to give you a real Fairy Tail send off." Dad whispered. Dad started repeating the rules for when someone was leaving the guild that he probably learned when we saw big sis' friends off after dealing with the tower of heaven. The fight continued between the two with Jellal landing quite a few good punches on dad. THey landed the last attack at the same time with Jellal breaking the horns off of dad's costume. The citizens cheered for Jellal while dad stayed down this time to show that he had been beaten. After the fight finished we began glowing as the reverse Anima began dragging the rest of us back to Earthland. On the way up into the air we ran into mom and the others we could ehar the Edolas Fairy Tail worrying about their guild before Gray told them what a real guild was about. All the exceeds were being drawn into the reverse anima as well while the five of us dragon slayers were feeling the effects of the reverse anima. We were saying our goodbyes to our copies before I saw Wendy's and my counterparts holding hands as we vanished through the Anima. 

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