Under The Stars ♡

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"Follow me!" Aether grins, pulling Xiao by both hands. The adeptus stumbles forward. Xiao really could have stopped him if he wanted to but he really was interested.

"Aether what if we get ambushed-'' Xiao mutters as he gets pulled. He didn't really think they were going to be ambushed but he needed an excuse to be stubborn.

"No one's going to ambush us," He rolls his eyes playfully. The traveler pulls Xiao into the middle of a grassy field.

"Traveler- what are we doing here-" He crosses his arms looking around. It was quite a beautiful place, fireflies danced lighting up the darkness and the grass swayed softly with the wind. Aether ignores him plopping down on the ground. The blond quickly pulls Xiao down to the ground next to him.

"Traveler- what-"

"Just look up at the sky" 

Xiao obliges, looking up at the sky. He is immediately filled with a child-like sense of awe and wonder; One that he had never felt before.

It was perfect, there wasn't a cloud in sight. The black sky was painted with an infinite amount of twinkling stars. He looks every which way trying to take in everything. Xiao couldn't help but beam widely at the blond beside him.

Aether immediately smiles back, Xiao looked so perfect in the moment. That's when Aether had realized he was head over heels.. oh Archons he was so in love with this man. He had felt the tingling feelings of butterflies in his stomach as he talked to the adepti in the past- but he had blew it off as one of those harmless crushes that would come and go but this, this felt different. Xiao was just so beautiful in every way.. He couldn't help but be in love.

Aether scoots over next to him resting his head on Xiao's outstretched arm. Xiao glances at him before quickly looking back up at the beautiful galaxy. He wasn't one for physical contact.. But he didn't mind this for once.

Xiao couldn't help but grin, pointing at a shooting star "Look-"

"Make a wish" Aether hummed watching as the shooting star passed by. "What did you wish for?" The blond asked.

"I couldn' t think of anything worth wishing for.. I already have what I want- what about you traveler? What did you wish for?" The adeptus asked, glancing over at Aether.

"It's silly I don't think it'll come true" He sighed a small smile tugging his lips as he thought of his wish.

"It can't be that silly, as long as it wasn't unrealistic I feel any wish could come true"

"Woah this is new- optimist Xiao?" The blond teases watching the boy beside him flush red with embarrassment.

"Quiet.. Just- what is your wish?"

"It's pretty unrealistic but.. I wished that you would" he clears his throat feeling his own face redden "I wished that we could share a kiss tonight" Aether glances away.

"Sorry, Xiao I know you aren't-" He was stopped mid-sentence by Xiao grabbing his chin and gently pressing a kiss to Aether's lips.

In truth Xiao had wanted to do this for a long time but he felt as though the travler did not recipricate. But now, with the confirmation of Aether's feelings he felt a sudden burst of confidence.

Aether looked shocked. They both stared at each other for a moment, both of their faces as red as tomatoes. It was both a comforting yet long silence as they starred between each other.

Aether soon leans in again, their faces once again only centimeters apart. "Maybe my wish can be granted twice?" Aether couldn't help but smirk at his tease. The adeptus huffed, kissing him, this time with a little more passion.

Both stayed like that, kissing under the stars. It was the perfect night. Neither could have wanted any more or any less. It was perfect.

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