Upsetting Rumors♡

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//Thank you SatansLoneyBook SatansLoneyfor the request-

I wasn't sure what to do about the rumor so I tried my best- I've had and heard rumors spread about me so I just made one that I would definitely be uncomfy with//

Aether sat in his room with the door closed. He lay face down on his bed. He had basically refused to move from the spot since he had gotten home on friday. It was now Saturday afternoon and he lay in his room.

Lumine knocks on his bedroom door for what seemed like the 100th time. Aether stays silent, letting her knock.

"Aether? What's wrong? You've barely said a word since yesterday- I'm getting worried.."

"I'm fine Lumine- Just go away-" He mutters, his voice slightly muffled by the pillow he had his face stuffed into.

"But you-"

"I said go away-!" Aether huffs, his voice raising slightly.

"Okay okay.. Jeez" Lumine says, walking away. At this point she was deeply concerned. Who else could try and talk to him?

That's when Lumine remembered his lover, Xiao. She hesitated before calling him up, still a little salty over the fact that the boy was dating her brother; But if he made him happy it didn't matter.. At least right now.

"Hello?" Xiao picks up after a few rings, thoroughly confused on why his boyfriend's sister of all people was calling him- on a Saturday, might I add.

"Ah, hey Xiao. We have a problem."

"Which is..?"

"Aether is really upset right now" She sighed into the phone "He won't talk to me,will you try?"

That was all that Xiao needed to hear "I'll be right over, see you then" and with that the boy hung up.

Aether still wallowed in bed. He was so overwhelmed at the moment. All he had been doing was overthinking his life.

A knock interrupted his panicked thoughts.

"Lumine I said go away!" His voice was almost a shout at this point.

The door slowly creaked open and he could hear soft footsteps.

"Said go awa-" He turns around to throw his pillow but his words catch in his throat. Instead of his sister, Xiao stood there.

Behind Xiao the door closed and he heard foot steps walk away.. Of course Lumine had told his boyfriend.

"Xiao, what are you doing here?" The blond blinks, "Lumine told you about me didn't she.. Ugh I am going to kill her!" He says, his brows furrowed in anger.

Xiao moved silently to the foot of the blond's bed, taking a seat. He tilted his head, a small frown on his face.

"What happened? You can tell me,"

"Nothing.. I'm-"

"Do not finish that sentence, you are not okay. You never act like this" Xiao scoots closer, silently urging Aether to continue.

"Fine.." Aether mumbles, hugging a pillow to his chest. He rests his chin on it, averting his gaze from his boyfriend.

"People have been spreading rumors about me at school" The blond starts "People keep saying I like this girl and I don't and like- they keep trying to push me into her and like try and get me to ask her out.

They know I have you.. I don't understand why they think that" Aether mutters, his voice getting more and more shaky as he continues.
"I'm scared you're going to be mad.. Please don't be mad at me." Aether finally says, his voice barely even a whisper.

Xiao blinks. He immediately finds himself snaking his arms around the blond. He moved Aether's hair aside with one hand, leaving a peck on Aether's forehead before pulling him close.

Despite being the taller one, Aether leaned into Xiao's chest, burying his face into his shoulder.

"That's stupid, I would never be mad at you for something someone else made up. I know you would never do something like that to me especially on purpose." Xiao says, his hands finding their way to his lover's back, rubbing circles.

Aether nodded again. The blond sits up, pulling away from his boyfriend. Xiao seemed confused at first but Aether pushed him onto his back, a smile returning to his face.

Xiao turns to his side as the blond lays in front of him, wrapping his arms and legs around him (Koala bear style). Aether buried his face into Xiao's hair, happy his lover wasn't angry.

Aether let out a small giggle as Xiao wrapped his arms around the other's torso, pressing his face into the crook of the blond's neck.

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