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Genesis' View

Randall's leg was healed to the point where Rick and Shane went to drop him off in the middle of nowhere, eighteen miles away.

Lori and Maggie were in the house with Beth, while I sat on top of the RV.

Lori ran out of the house, and over to Andrea. They talked for twenty seconds, and then she ran up to me.

"I need your help. I'll get Kaden to take your spot, but you have to get to the house." Lori said to me, and I nodded.

Kaden took over on lookout, and I made my way towards the house and stood in the kitchen.

Maggie was in the bedroom with Beth, and Lori explained everything to me and Andrea.

"Where's Hershel?"

"He doesn't want to find out yet," Lori said. "It's a family affair. We'll let them work it out."

"That's working it out?" Andrea asked, referring to Maggie and Beth screaming over each other.

"You should've seen working it out in my house. Worse than this." I said, leaning against the fridge.

"When Beth stops fighting, that's when it's time to worry." Loti stood up.

"This could've been handled better." Andrea pointed out.

"How so?"

"You shouldn't have taken the knife away." Andrea looked over at Lori.

"Excuse me?" Lori turned from the sink.

"You were wrong, like Dale taking my gun. That wasn't your decision."

"Two different things. You're a grown woman. She's barely an adult. I know this feeling that Beth is going through. She doesn't want to kill herself, she just wants the internal pain to stop. That's how it is with most suicide cases." I looked at her, standing up for Lori.

"She has to choose to live on her own. She has to find her own reasons." Andrea tried.

"Want me to tie a noose for her?" Lori put some food in the fridge.

"If she's serious, she'll figure a way out."

"Let me give you an example. Before the world ended, someone tried to kill themselves, and then was put into a mental hospital. They watch you twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. They give you medicine to help. For all the patients in that hospital who were serious, and actually tried to kill themselves, would you give them a knife, or a noose, or a gun to end it? Or would you help them in not giving them a weapon, and just making sure they're okay?" I stared at her.

She stared at me and then I walked out of the house. I made my way back to the RV and sat on top of it, letting Kaden go back to what he was doing before.

"Is Beth okay?" Sierra asked, climbing onto the RV next to me.

"I hope so, kiddo." I ruffled her hair.

"I know what she's going through. My mom was like her before she died." Sierra explained. "She had something called bipolar disorder?"

"Yeah, I think I remember her telling me back at the quarry." I looked down at her.

"I'm scared to get the thoughts that she got."

"Hey, look at me," I whispered to her. She stood up, and I pulled her to sit in my lap. "If you ever feel like you have the scary thoughts, you tell someone. It can be me, Rick, your brother. But you have to tell an adult. Okay?"

She nodded, rested her head on my shoulder, and played with the loose zipper on my jacket.


Word got around that Andrea left Beth alone, making Beth use a piece of glass from a mirror to slit her wrist.

And of course, Maggie was pissed at Andrea. She had all the right to be.

Shane's car pulled up to the farm, and I watched as Shane and Rick got out. They opened the trunk, to pull Randall out, and then they walked him over to the barn.

I walked over to them and saw that both of them had blood on their faces.

"What happened to leave him out there on his own?" I asked.

"He knows Maggie. I'm taking a night to think about this." Rick said and walked away.

"We have no clue what Rick is gonna say, but what about you? What do you say about this?" Shane nudged my arm. I stepped away from him and sighed.

"You and I both know the guys he was running with. I've encountered at least eight of them." I looked over at him. "Speaking of which, why the hell didn't you get rid of Josh? Didn't you think he was gonna go and tell his friends about what we did to Derek and Ted?"

"I wanted to see if can make things right. Josh didn't do anything. Ted was the one to shoot at me and Derek..." He glanced over at me.

"Don't. You should've just killed Josh. Because now, his group knows what the two of us look like, and our 'plan' that we had." I referred to Randal.

"So you wanted me to kill Josh in cold blood?"

"That's what you did with Otis." I looked at him with no emotion. "Hell, you could easily do it to anyone in the group. Daryl, Dale, Glenn, Rick."

Shane scoffed and stormed away from me. I watched him walk away, and then I sat in the RV.

From: Season 2 Episode 10: 18 Miles Out

Words: 906

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