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Genesis' View

"How do we know that we can trust her?" Oscar asked.

"This is Maggie, Glenn, and Kaden. Why are we even debating?" Beth asked.

"We ain't. I'll go after them." Daryl said.

"I'll go with you." I agreed.

"Well, this place sounds pretty secure. You two can't go just by yourselves." Rick looked at us.

"I'll go," Beth stated.

"Me, too." Axel stepped up.

"I'm in." Oscar agreed.

"Well if they're all going, so am I," Sierra said, and I looked at her.

"No, I want you to stay here with them. Someone needs to help Carl protect this place just in case they try to take over." I looked at her. "We can't just have Hershel and Carol by themselves with the baby."

She nodded and sat next to Carol and Little as Kicker.


"I got the flashbangs and I got the tear gas. You never know what you're gonna need." Daryl said to Oscar.

As we were packing up the car, it was gonna be Rick, Daryl, Oscar, Michonne, and me.

"Bring him back, okay?" Sierra looked up at me standing next to Carol.

"We will." I ruffled her hair.

I walked over to the car, and I got in.

Kaden's View

"Go fuck yourself." I spat blood from my mouth. The Governor had come into the room after Merle left.

He didn't say anything and hit me again in the face.

"Tell me where your friends are. Merle couldn't get anything out of you." He got down to my level.

I looked at him before I spat blood into his face. He flinched back before wiping the blood off of his face with his sleeve.

"Fuck you, and your Jim Jones haircut, you prick." I breathed.

He laughed, before exiting the room. A minute later, he came back into the room with two walkers.

"Last chance. Or I'll let them go and feast." He smirked.

Once he figured I wouldn't talk, he let both of the walkers go and closed the door.

The walkers hobbled toward me, and they pushed me over, the chair snapping on the fall.

I was able to grab the knife Merle hid in my shirt, and I flicked it open.

I kicked one walker away, before stabbing the other one in the eye, and then repeating the process on the other one.

Then I heard gunshots.

The door opened, and Gen pointed her gun in.

"Kaden!" She slid to her knees embracing me.

"I'm okay. Did you guys get Maggie and Glenn?"

"Yeah, the others did. I broke off to find you. Come on." She helped me up, and we ran.


Genesis' View

We started running, making sure that we weren't spotted.

"This was Merle. He's alive." Kaden said, and I looked back at him.

"Holy shit," I muttered.

"He made sure I had a knife when the governor threw two walkers at me. He hid it in my shirt. He's the good guy in this." Kaden breathed.

We got out of Woodbury, and stood by the car, where I agreed with Rick to meet him by.

"Merle was making fun of me because he found out that you rejected me." Kaden laughed.

I popped the trunk open, and grabbed a half-empty bottle, before handing it to him.

"Don't feel bad. I'm not trying to make you seem like you're a bad person. I know I'm not your type." He smiled.

Glenn and Michonne had met up with us at the car, while we waited for the rest of them.

"Gen!" I heard my name. I sat up from my position, to see Rick and the others running towards us.

"Rick, we're here," I called back.

"Glenn, I need you to back up. We got a problem here." Rick said, and I saw Merle Dixon trailing behind Daryl.

Holy shit, Kaden was telling the truth.

Michonne pulled her sword and Glenn pulled his gun out.

"What the hell is he doing here?!" Glenn yelled.

"He tried to kill me!"

Everyone was yelling while Kaden and I started in the back.

"...been putting the wood to your girlfriend Andrea," Merle smirked.

"Andrea's alive?" I looked at him.

"Right next to the governor." Daryl nodded.

"You know Andrea?" Rick asked, looking at Michonne.

The group started arguing again, so I just kept an eye out for geeks, because of how loud they were arguing.

I stood away from the group on the road while they figured their differences out.

It wasn't my fight to join in. Whether or not Daryl leaves with Merle wasn't my decision.

In the end, Daryl was leaving with Merle.

"Hey," I called out to him. "Be safe," I said. He nodded and walked deeper into the woods with his brother.

The ride back to the prison was silent. I was sitting in the way back while the others sat in the seats.

From: Season 3 Episode 7: When the Dead Come Knocking (Pt. 2), Season 3 Episode 8: Made to Suffer, & Season 3 Episode 9: The Suicide King

Words: 844

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