Chapter one

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"we're seeing you at the track tonight? we got a few newbies who want a challenge" jordan asks as we exit the classroom after the lesson ends.

"sure, I'm down" I shrug looking over at her but her eyes are glued to the brown headed girl across the hallway, she licks her lips as she looks at her up and down.

I let out a chuckle watching her basically drool over her, she has had a fat ass crush on her but hasn't made a move. only because I told her to stop with her whore days before trying to get her.

I watch her gain some confidence before walking over to them but last minute she takes a turn making me laugh, i shake my head and make my way to my dorm.

luckily enough I have a single dorm, I payed hella money to have it but it was worth it. as soon as I crash on the bed I fell asleep only to wake up two hours later.

I got some work done before freshen' up and pull together a better outfit other than sweatpants and make my way to the track, feeling my tank up on the way.

tonight was packed though, I immediately spot new cars around though. some wack as fuck, some actually know about cars.

I personally own a Ford Mustang get, used to own a Honda Civic. it was an incredibly great car especially for streetcar racing but it had too many issues.

you spend more money fixing it then you used to buy it and the mustang hasn't given me any problems so far.

most people under estimate mustangs but you gotta know how to do this shit to win it.

I rev my car to get people to move out of the way before I run their musty toes over, I park in line as next to go on a race. Jordan is immediately knocking on my window makings me roll my eyes.

"I stopped for food earlier and got you some" she says simply while distracted by the current racer and it looks like it's about to be a tie.

"thank you" I pat her head while accepting the food and start munching while watching people lose good money miserably, I hop in my car when it's my turn.

"there's four people wanting to race you tonight, that's a good 2k" Jordan informs me, she's basically my assistant since she doesn't race but loves coming here.

"alright, let's get this money" I chuckle while driving up to the start line, my hands tightening on the steering wheel while I rev my engine.

I watch as the big clock count down and look over at the focused grown man across me before looking back forward again.

my foot immediately lets go of the break when it say go and step on the gas, my hand moving the gear simultaneously.

I look in my rear mirror seeing him on my tail, I shift a gear higher and press on the gas again leaving him in the smoke from my car.

in no time I was slowing down to the finish line, I look behind me not seeing him and slow down to cross the line peacefully. I turn around and wait for him.

soon enough he was crossing the line too and steps out of his car, he slams the $500 in my hand with aggression making me chuckle at the sore loser he is.

the next person joins me this time going back to the starting point, I look over seeing a much younger looking boy this time with a face tattoo.

I roll my eyes at that and the countdown starts but once again easy money, he is probably 18 and dropout, who is trying to fit in the hood.

this place isn't even in the hood, but most people come here just to say they have been to the hood but this isn't it. the hood is much worse, I can assure you.

this is nothing.

I have won every race made 1.5k tonight now I am waiting for my last race so I can call it a night already. I see a black Dodge Challenger pull up next to me making me nod in approval.

I look in it to see a black headed girl this time making me smile a bit, finally a female race. you barely see any of those around.

I send her a small smile to which she returns and we both turn to the clock, i rev my car in preparation and release the break to press on the glass as the screen says go.

I look over seeing the girl beside me making me shift my gear higher, she does the same making us side by side once again.

I shift to the highest gear but she isn't going anywhere, she stays on my side the whole time until we reach the finish the line and wins.

by a few inches since she was a bit further then me.

not gonna I'm impressed.

people are cheering loudly as I step out of my car, she's the first to beat my ass in a race in some years, I really impressed.

she also steps out of her car and meets me halfway, way shorter than I expected, I send her a grin and nod of approval.

"that was impressive" I say dapping her up, she grins while looking up at me before opening her hand.

I take out $500 and put it in her hand making her grin widen while making an L with her fingers and sticks out her tongue, I let out a small laugh while pushing her forehead back.

"that was seriously good" I tell her making her thank me and her friend come over to take her making me stare while watching her talk to her friend.

she's fine asf, that's for sure.

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