Chapter thirteen

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"where are you going?" Nya asks from the small kitchen area when she sees me all dressed up.

"out with Kaiya" I say with a shrug, she only huffs in response making me roll my eyes.

I finally came back to my dorm for clothes before going to meet her parents after basically living with Kaiya for two weeks and I had honestly forgotten about Nya.

"you might as well go live with her at this point, you haven't come back to your own dorm in weeks" she says bitterly.

"I am planning on it" I say with a fake smile and finish tying my shoes, I watch as Nya goes to answer the door but I already know it's Kaiya so I follow.

"oh it's you" she says walking back in the dorm, I watch as Kaiya holds in her laugh as she watches her disappear in her room before looking back at me and busts out laughing.

"she's still mad?" she asks, I nod with a smile while taking in her outfit, "she'll stay mad" she adds pulling me into her by my waist, I wrap my arms around her neck as she takes in my appearance.

"you look so pretty, your hair is done and shit" she says looking at my straightened hair, I look away from her in attempt to hide my blush.

"so I must tell you instead of dinner like normal people, my parents decided to go to the carnival and they're already here to pick us up, I also figured we could spend the night at my house since it would be easier going back there then coming back here. I already packed us some things, our chargers and shit" she rambles nervously.

I let out a giggle at how nervous she seems and press my lips to hers softly, "relax" I tell her intertwining our hands, she lets out a breath and nods.

"now lead the way" I tell her, she starts walking us out of the dorm building, "I should also tell you that my parents are basically teenagers more than us" she tells me leading us to a black shiny g-wagon.

I nod with a laugh and a rather young looking woman steps out giving me a big smile, "hello sweetie" she says coming over to give me a hug.

"hello, you're beautiful" I say when she holds my arms to get a good look at me, she nods approvingly while looking over at Kaiya.

"please, I could say the same about you" she says giving another small hug, "now I'm mama Ivy, Kaiya's mom of course" she says.

"and I'm Billie, Kaiya's girlfriend if you may say" I say jokingly looking over at Kaiya, she caught on and lets out a laugh while opening the backseat door.

"thank you" I thank her when I hop in with Kaiya following and closes the door, her dad turns around to greet me.

"you can call me Roy" he says with a sweet smile and deep voice, o greet him with a handshake and we take off.


"you're lucky I am getting old" Roy says pretending to hold his back, we all burst out laughing and Kaiya hands me the third bear she has won.

she gave her mom one too.

they were playing basketball against each other and of course kaiya won. Roy's excuses is being old and I don't doubt him.

"I'm sure you would have won" I hear mama Ivy say as they lead the way, I smile sweetly at Kaiya who just joined me by my side. I lean up to peck her lips a bit before she takes my hand and starts following.

"you okay?" she checks in, I nod with a smile and lean on her side, "I love your parents, they are so in love and shit" I tell her as I watch them swing their intertwined hands while attempting to skip.

Kaiya chuckles and presses a kiss on top of my head, "that's gonna be us" she says giving my hand a squeeze, "less disgusting though" she says pointing at her parents making out in line for the Ferris wheel.

I let out a giggle and agree, she puts her hand underneath my chin to make me look up at her once we stopped moving, "you know I really really like you right?" she asks.

I nod while biting my lip waiting for her to continue, "and I will make you my girlfriend, I promise I am not wasting your time. I just want to make sure I do everything right with you since my last relationship was in 8th grade or some shit" she says with a chuckle.

"what I am saying is, I am not wasting your time. I just want you to be patient with me. I'll be calling me your girlfriend soon enough" she teases making me blush.

I nod while leaning my chin on her chest looking up at her, "I know you're not wasting my time and take some much time as you need, don't make me wait too long though." I say with a pointed look.

she nods with a smile, "as long as I can still do this.." I say leaning up to kiss her, "and fuck you, I am good" I tell her making her laugh.

"you're more than welcome to do both of those things" she says giving my hand a squeeze and leans down to give me a much slower kiss.

"look mama, they are like you guys" I hear a voice making both me and Kaiya look down to see a small girl pointing at us making both her moms laugh.

"my mamas are lesbians" she tells us with a lisp making all of us laugh, she giggles and makes her mom pick her up.

"she's so cute" I say making her giggle and hide in her mom's chest, I look up at Kaiya seeing her making funny faces at the giggling girl.

"you should give me one of those" I tell her making her eyes widen and look at me.

"alright, one thing at a time princess" she says making everyone laugh, we stood there in line talking to them while Kaiya's parents were still making out.

L day honestly.

also my gf sent me a video of the little girl saying "my moms are lesbians" 😭 I have been having baby fever but she doesn't want to give me a baby🙄 anyways...

I am going to put random songs on my playlist on every chapter, just to put you guys on.

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