Chapter twenty

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"no princess" I say shaking my head, immediately Billie starts pouting and gives me doe eyes but I shake my head.

"baby please" she says tucking my hand, I watch her give me doe eyes and makes her eyes drop to my crotch multiple times on purpose.

I roll my eyes and pick up the bear going to pay for it, I hear her excitedly speed behind me. I hand her the bear after I have payed and she gives me an innocent smile.

I have given her at least five bears yet she still wants more.

"I hate you" I mumble, she pecks my cheek and takes my hand to walk us out of the shop holding the bear close to her chest.

I hate how cute she looks right now.

I had taken Billie out of the dorm for the day while Jordan sets up a surprise for me, I had given her hella money for her to decorate my dorm, buy hella chocolate, roses and all.

but now Billie is making me buy her teddy bears, I am going to be so broke after this. the thought makes me wanna cry.

"how about I take you on a date? you said your favorite food is sushi, let me take you on a sushi date? like right now" she suggests cutely, I love the idea but I know it's because I have made her feel bad.

"I would love that baby but maybe another day, not today" I say kissing her forehead, she nods and hugs my arm as we walk aimlessly around the mall.

I hear my phone ding making me react for it and see that jordan sent me a picture of the finished set up, and it looks amazing. "let's go back now, I'm horny" I lie.

although I am always down.

"when are you not" she giggles and leads us out, she lets go of my arm and makes me out it around her shoulders. I pull her closer to me and look down at her.

I see her glaring at some girls checking me out by the exit making me bite back a smile, I love how protective and possessive she can be.

I turn her head up to peck her lips making her smile, my thumb rubs against her jaw as she looks up at me. I give her a smile and pull away.

as we walk past the girls, I drop my arm to her hips and pull her in front of me. she sways her hips as she walks making me bite back a smile.

I love how jealous she can be.

as soon as we're out, I wrap my arm around her shoulders again. she looks up at me with a mad expression and mumbles her words.

"what was that princess?" I ask bending down to her level, I see a small faint of blush covering her cheeks as she bites her lip.

"I said those girls were checking you out" she says more clearly this time, I furrow my eyebrows acting confused.

"what girls?" I ask.

she giggles and shakes her head in a dismissing manner, I open the passenger door for her and make sure she's ready before closing it and jog to my side.


"it's so soft though" Billie pouts as she tries to make me hold her bear for her, I give her a straight face while unlocking my dorm room and let Billie walk in first.

she gasps as she looks around the rose decorated room and turns to me with watery eyes while gesturing around, I give her an encouraging nod making her let go of her tears.

"oh my god" she mumbles in disbelief while walking to me and cries on my chest, "it's so pretty" she says choked up and looks around the room.

"this is for me?" I nod with a smile making her choke on her own tears and pulls me down to kiss me, "this is so sweet" she says looking around.

I quickly connect my phone to the speaker and start playing the first song that comes to mind, the night we met by Lord Huron.

god this is so cheesy but anything for her.

I direct Billie to the bed, where the roses spell out. will you be my girlfriend?. she starts full on sobbing looking at the writing before turning to me and nods.

I smile picking her up, her legs go around my waist as she cries on my shoulder. I lay her down on the bed and follow her bringing her close to me as she cries on my chest.

"this is so sweet" she says as she comes down, she looks up at me and kisses me, "thank you so much for this" she whispers softly and kisses me again.

"nobody has ever done this for me you know, nobody has made so much effort into me" she says with a watery smile, I wipe away her tears and kiss her cheeks.

"well they should have but I am also glad to be your first girlfriend to do so" I tell her making her smile widen.

"you're my girlfriend" she says smiley, she squeals and squeezes her arms around me. I laugh and stand up offering her my hand.

"I have a few gifts for you but can I have this dance first" I ask changing the song to solitude by Billie Holiday. I always jokingly said I have to dance with my s/o other to this song.

look at me now.

"ouu this is so cheesy" Billie says with blush on her cheeks, I roll my eyes and take her hand, "let's get this dance before I throw up" I joke.

I pull her closer to me, her arms wrap around my neck as we slowly sway side to side. "I love this" she says in a whisper, my smile widens and I squeeze my arms around her.

the song changes to I'll be seeing you by Billie Holiday, Billie moves her arms army torso and lays her head over my heartbeat.

if I could stay in this moment forever, I would.

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