Sick - w.m

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A/N: Sorry if this part is terrible, it's my first time writing a story.🥲


My eyes gradually opened to reveal a very, very blinding light; my eyes felt like they were burning. My ear was ringing a little, my head felt like it was getting hit with a hammer and my nose was blocked. How'd I even catch this cold? No one in the compound had one? I groaned turning away from the blaring light forming through the blinds. As I turned around I was met with.. not my girlfriend. The time she gets out of bed early is the day that I feel like shit. I buried my head into the pillow and just wanted to sink into the bed.

After contemplating how I'm going to get Wanda up here without my throat getting killed. I sighed in defeat. I really didn't need this today. Tony's hosting one of his 'fun' party's, again. I missed the last two since me and Wanda went on a date and then we made an excuse not to go the next time. I felt like I was about to be sick, my palms went clammy, my body felt frozen. I heard the door slowly creak open. Revealing my amazing girlfriend, who left me the one day I felt like a zombie. * i groaned at the squeak of the door handle. Wanda spoke softly, "good morning, sleepyhead," you couldn't respond your throat was dry and sore, your eyes burnt, you wanted to cry.

After your silence Wanda went over to your side of the bed and sat down on the edge. "What's wrong my love?" She questioned, reaching her hand to feel your temperature to see your sticky, boiling forehead. Wanda gasped, "darling, your burning up!!" You nodded slowly, to sick for sarcasm. You managed to squeak out with a hoarse voice, "can I have some.. water, please," Wanda leant over and got the cup on her bedside table, helping you hold the cup as you sip it quietly. The cold liquid burning down your poor throat, painfully soothing it.

Wanda cupped your face and pecked your temple before getting up to get you medicine, you whined, just wanting cuddles and your girlfriend, "sweetheart I'll be back in a second I'm just going to get you some medicine and make sure Natasha hasn't burnt your breakfast!"

After a very lonely 5 minutes away from Wanda she arrived back with 3 pancakes filled with maple syrup and some berries on the side, along with some medicine, cough syrup and many, many tissues. You smiled at Wanda sitting up slightly ready to eat every single piece of these pancakes. "After you eat them, you need to take some medicine, okay?" You nodded as Wanda placed the medicine and tissues down on the bedside table, while she sat down with pancakes and started cutting them up into bite-size pieces. After she cut up a few she started feeding you the delicious breakfast.

During your treatment of Wanda feeding you, you were watching a sitcom with Wanda, both of you laughing together. At that point all you could focus on was her laugh, it made butterflies swarm your stomach, allowing you to forget everything, even your death-like headache and cough. After finishing your breakfast Wanda practically forced you to have the medicine after you refused multiple times, that medicine was revolting.

You rested your head on wandas chest snuggling into her as she played with your hair, obviously not caring if she caught the cold off of you. Getting comfy, you kept coughing and waking yourself up from the tickling in the back of your throat, Wanda would lightly rub your back and tap it allowing your cough to go slightly but you just wanted to cry in wandas arms, you hated being sick. Wanda started lightly singing a Sokovian lullaby, hearing your restless self. Her voice was so soothing and soft, you can't describe how it made you feel, after a minute or so your breathing gently began to even out and you fell asleep in your girlfriends arms as she massaged your scalp and drew imaginary lines on your back.

A/N: Not proof read!!! I hope this is okay It's not too long but I'll try post some more soon.

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