Hearts - w.m

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A/n: sorry haven't posted much I've honestly just been so tired but I'll try write some more🥲

!Not proofread!

Warnings: Wanda fluff.

Word count: 1072



I wince in pain as I accidentally lean on my left arm. Slouching back down onto my bed, my cast sits uncomfortably on my arm as I try to sit myself up in bed. I swear to god I just want this cast off of me now.

Wanda opens the door carefully, her green eyes meet mine and a smile instantly plasters on both of our faces.

"Hey, bug," she smiles cutely, then looking at my position and worry washes over her face, "y/n, be careful, your gonna hurt yourself even more," she scolds while helping me sit up against the headboard with pillows supporting my back.

"Sorry" i mumble, my left arm awkwardly placed on my lap.

The reason I've got a cast on my arm is mission related, as you may have guessed.

Me and Yelena were doing our usual mission, getting the intel, or whatever we were sent there to get, taking down the bad guy and then going back to the compound.

But let's just say while me and Yelena were making our mission more entertaining, or as Steve says 'messing around', I may or may not have broken my arm by jumping off a tall building and doing a superhero pose.

I mainly broke it because of the way I swung off a pole and then tried to make my own cool pose, like Natasha's.

It didn't end well is all I can say.

Wanda sits down next to me on our bed and kisses my cheek softly, her hand moving a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Your cast will be off soon, Moya lyubov" she says reassuringly, almost sensing my distress.

I just nod and sigh, "I know"

Wanda reaches for the TV remote and puts Netflix on, going on our joint account and scrolling through the different categories.

"Watch would you like to watch, love bug" she asks, her focus solely on the TV.

"Surprise me?"

"Okay" she giggles quietly and bites her lower lip to contain her grin.

While Wanda chooses a show to watch I scroll mindlessly through Instagram.

I feel Wanda snuggle into my side, making sure not to jolt or hurt my arm.

I hear a little exclaim from the redhead next to me, before looking up at the TV to see which show she has carefully picked out for today.

"Is this okay?" She smiles smugly, knowing it's one of my favourite shows.

"Yes! Oh my god, can we watch the first season today" I squeal in excitement, although me and Wanda have rewatched the show a billion times. The Sokovian chuckles in respond and starts playing the first episode.

I pull the duvet up and slouch slightly, trying to get in a comfy spot.

Wanda nuzzles my hair as we both cuddle into each other and watch the first episode of Killing Eve.

Throughout the first episode the pair of us point small details the other may have missed, or refer to something that happens later in the show. We also admire Villanelle and Eve a little too much, but when you can you ever love Villanelle and Eve too much?

Between each episode we have a recurring space of time where Wanda others to get me and food or drinks, kindly, since she doesn't want me to injure myself anymore, although I'm capable of going to the kitchen.

Around the middle of the fourth episode, my eyes begin to feel heavier while I watch the screen.

Wanda's body warmth practically lulling me to sleep, with our hands interlocked and everything around me suddenly feeling cosy and soft, I slowly fall into a deep slumber.

My lips parted softly as my eyes were closed, Wanda silently watching the show next to me.

Wanda's POV:

I look beside me to see y/n sleeping soundly, her grip on my hand loosened slightly and her breathing evening out.

For the past few days it's been hard for y/n to get to sleep; due to her arm and cast being irritable and painful. So I'm glad she's finally getting some rest, she deserves it.

I turn the volume of the television down slightly, making sure nothing will disturb her out of her current peaceful state.

I reach over for my book on the bedside table and accidentally knock y/n's sketch book, a couple pens and supplies rolling onto my book and the beside table.


I leisurely am pulled out of my nap, the feeling of Wanda moving around a lot beside me.

I hear a pen being used making me even more confused in my sleepy state.

I groan lightly and I open my eyes half way, my eyes barely opening that much.

I see Wanda leaning on her elbow sideways as one of her hands is placed tenderly on my cast and the other is drawing on my cast, what is she doing?

Her brows are furrowed slightly, the concentration obvious in her facial expressions.

I look at my cast and realise loads of tiny little hearts in red pen have been drawn, every few seconds another one being added carefully. Each being drawn with a loving care and perfection with them.

I feel my face flush red like the small hearts and a shy smile emerging.

Her forest green orbs look over at me, her face turning as red as mine when she sees my gaze on her.

"Sorry, detka, did I wake you?" She says quietly, pressing a sweet kiss onto my lips.

"No, it's okay," I whisper after she pulls away softly from the kiss.

I turn my arm slightly so I'm able to see more of the cute shapes on my cast.

"I don't mind my cast anymore" I mutter and continue inspecting the new design that my girlfriend had created perfectly.

I look up at Wanda and peck her lips a couple of times before glancing back at my cast, a small smile developing itself on my face.


A/n: idk if I like this or not but I'm too tired to change anything so ig this masterpiece is what u guys will get for now

Also who knew that killing eve was on Netflix?

I was stunned.

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