Bear - e.o

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A/N: requested by @aubreyluvbot I hope this is okayy <33

May not be proof read but I'll try💀

Y/N's POV:

For my whole life now I've had a wide range of stuffed animals. My collection is maybe some people could say obsessive but, I just love them, they bring me a sense of comfort.

Recently, I saw this new teddy bear, it looked super fluffy and soft, I literally wanted to take it and run. But my girlfriend had stopped me.
And let's just say I may have been a little dramatic but I mean I really wanted it, like I was thinking of names while Lizzie dragged me away from her.

"Lovebug, I'm sorry we couldn't get the bear, we had to get home quick."


"Y/N/N, please. I'll get you a new bear soon okay?"

Eyes glued to the floor. If I looked into her emerald orbs of course she would be forgiven but no, no, no. I sighed and walked upstairs to our shared room.

Soooo, the silence may have gone on for just over a day. I gave up when I looked into her eyes and saw her smile. I knew I would.

I was still kinda sad about the bear being left at that market, shop thing. Whatever it was. But I just focused on Lizzie at the moment, we were watching a movie together. It was boring after a while, the same thing kept happening, my mind kept returning to the bear. Why the fuck am I so connected to it and attached. You guys are creepy, attachment issues..

Lizzie faced me worry in her eyes as I was zoned out. Thinking about that mother fucking bear. It looked so soft and cute and- wait did liz say something.

I looked up to be met with my girlfriends eyes which seemed to ease my unaware pain.

"Sorry, what did you say love?"

"Sweetheart, are you okay? She repeated

"Oh, um, yeah I'm fine just a bit tired,"

"Okay, we can go to bed now if you want?" Lizzie questioned, sitting up next to me.

"Okay, yeah, if that's okay," I smiled slightly

"Yeah, of course. Come on," Elizabeth chuckled slightly getting up off of the sofa and turning the tv off.

Making my way upstairs with my girlfriend trailing behind me, we both got in bed, instantly cuddling next to one another.

One stuffed animal in my grip.

"Night, my love. Sweet dreams," Lizzie's sweet voice whispered into my ear.

"Goodnight, darling," I murmured back, sleep taking over my mind and body.

I slightly woke up to kisses being plastered all around my face. From my cheek to my jaw then to my nose.

When she placed the next kiss I felt her smile grow.

"Morning, bug," she whispered, waiting for me to open my eyes.

Slowly, my eyes opened. "Morning, Sunshine,"

A few pecks on my lips, pulling me out of my half sleep state.

"There's something here for you," she dragged out the 'you' and smiled at me.

"Hmm, what is it?"

"Why don't you come and see love," she murmured in my ear before pulling me to sit up.

She giggled while practically dragging me behind her down the stairs. I haven't ordered anything? Well at least I don't think I did. What the fuck is this 'thing' then.

Being handed a cardboard box, I gently shook it before looking at Lizzie skeptically.

"Open it, princess," she said quietly while biting her lip to contain her captivating smile.

I squinted my eyes at her while very carefully opening the box.


Jaw dropped.


Liz giggled as I snatched the item out of the box and hugged it tightly.

I looked up to meet Lizzie's green eyes and ran up to her bouncing on my feet in excitement.

"Thank you." A kiss on her cheek, "thank you."
A kiss on her forehead, "thank you." A kiss on her opposite cheek, "thank you" a kiss on her nose and one last, "thank you my love," a passionate kiss shared.

I felt her smile into the kiss before both of us pulling away softly.

"Is it okay?" She questioned. She motherfucking questioned. IS IT OKAY. WHAT.


I hugged the adorable little stuffed animal in my arms never wanting to let go. This was long awaited.

An hour later.

Snuggling into Lizzie, as snuffle ( yes you named your teddy snuffle. Shush. ) was tucked under my arm nicely. This was perfect.

"Night, sweetheart," Lizzie murmured into my hair.

"Goodnight, darling. I love you."

"I love you to princess."


A/N: Little bit of fluff there for my fellow stuffed animal lovers. I hope this is okay and I'll try update a bit more.

Also should I post smut or not?

Considering if I should or not because I have a couple of drafts😏

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