The girl at the bookstore* - w.m

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A/N: I hope this okay, I haven't been able to write a lot bc of school and exams but I should be able to write a bit more!!

!!Also this isn't proofread so I'm sorry if it's unreadable!!

Warnings: smut, oral sex, light choking, strap-on use (double sided), praising, light Mommy kink, making out

Word count: 4763


I strolled casually around the bookstore, my outfit consisting of some grey tracksuit bottoms and a baggy t-shirt, along with a tote bag hanging on my left shoulder and an airpod in my right ear blasting music.

My eyes roamed over the towering bookshelves, looking for a certain book and many others. I found a couple of books around the same section before I continued my patrol around the cozy, local store.

After around fifteen more minutes of roaming around the bookstore I had finished my search. Carrying five books, I walked over to the checkout counter, my eyes meeting hers.

Every weekday I have visited the local shop, I have always seen this girl, around my age -maybe older-, redhead, the most enchanting green eyes and the cutest smile. She has soft pale skin with a few freckles decorating her cheeks and nose, her lips look soft and- lets just say my trips to the bookstore have definitely increased since I first saw the woman.

"Hey, how are you?" Her sweet voice fills my ears, my lips instantly curling into a soft smile, "I'm good, thank you, how about you?" I gently place the few books I had chosen on the side beside the till.

"That's great and I'm doing good too, thank you for asking" she smiles brightly, scanning the barcodes of the books before placing them beside her. "Is that everything?" She asks softly, looking deeply into my eyes, her gaze hypnotising me, luring me to the innocent girl.

"Y-yes, that's everything, thanks" a soft blush appears on my cheeks before I pay for the books and place them in my tote bag, both of us share our goodbyes.

The rest of day consisted of thinking about the girl from the bookstore, listening to songs while thinking of the girl from the bookstore and reading my books while thinking of the girl from the bookstore.

Once I arrived at my apartment, after running a few errands and visiting a friends house, I placed the few chosen books of my day down on my bed before my eyes scan around the many books of my bookshelf that I have definitely not read and only bought because I went into the store to see the redhead behind the register.

I'll probably get around to reading the novels, but not just yet.

I ordered myself some takeout, too tired to cook and there was also literally nothing in the fridge so I resorted to my last and only option. A kebab. And when I tell you it was amazing- it made me stop thinking about the bookstore girl for at least a minute.


The moment I had awoken from my most certainly needed deep sleep, my phone was literally flying off of my bedside table, messages upon messages being sent to me. Not a usual occurrence.

I groaned tiredly and lied in bed for a few seconds, building up the will to look at my phone. I turned over onto my side and picked up my phone, the screen showing many messages, but the main ones coming from my bestfriends; Kate and Yelena.


Vodkas bitch:
Y/n wake up, we're going to a
strip club

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