Hoodie - w.m

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A/N: just general fluff with wanda.

!Not proofread!


Wandas POV:

For the past 30 minutes I've been searching for my sokovian football hoodie that y/n got me as a gift - me and Pietro used to watch the team when we were younger- so she bought me a hoodie which I love. A lot.

Anyway, I've looked in mine and y/n's shared wardrobe, in my old room, the laundry and I've even quickly scouted through the teams rooms and practically everywhere and anywhere else.

But it's nowhere to be found.

I slowly lose hope of finding it for now, I'll probably start looking again after I get some cuddles from my girlfriend.

Walking through to the living room I see y/n wrapped in around 5 blankets watching tv.

God she's adorable.

I could watch her all day and not get bored um kinda creepy there witchy calm down.

"Hey, bug" I greet her as she looks up at me and smiles.

I sit beside her as she lets me under one of her blankets. Kind of her.

"Do you know where my sokovian football hoodie has gone, my love. I've been looking for it for ages and can't seem to find it." I ask as she snuggles into me and I kiss her forehead.

"No i don't think so. Maybe it's in your old bedroom?"

"Already checked. I hope I find it soon."

She hums in agreement and looks up at me.
Her y/e/c mesmerising me and making me melt. A fuzzy feeling in my body warms me as she shows me a toothy grin.

"What?" She giggles as a tinted blush fills her cheeks.

"Nothing" I beam back at her as we gently and slowly lean in, our lips meeting, moulding together.

Her soft, plump lips pull away after a minute as she rests her head upon my lap, still wrapped up in her millions of blankets.

My fingers get lost in her y/h/c locks while her breathing pattern evens out and her lips part a little. How tf did she fall asleep that quickly? I'm glad she has since she hasn't been getting enough sleep but that doesn't matter right now.

A Royale Blue colour catches my eye as a blanket of hers reveals what she's wearing.

My hoodie.

Why didn't I know she would be wearing it.

She looks so cute though.

But she stole my hoodie.

I grin down at her and place a few kisses on her head and relax with her.



Hope everybody had a great day. <33

Sorry this is a short one btw but I felt like everybody needs some fluffy wanda stuff rn

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