Sisters - e.o

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A/N: this will be a short-ish one because I cba to write a lot and this will probably be terrible too, so enjoy this💀💀.

You are around 30 and Lizzie is her normal age.

Warning: a little bit of smut but nothing too steamy.

Y/N's POV:

Currently my sisters are on their way here, to Lizzie and I's house, so I'm just watching tiktok on my phone as the tv plays quietly in the background.

Lizzie is somewhere upstairs probably feeling nervous since she hasn't ever met any of my family before since covid and other things.

I heard a few steps coming downstairs and then the creak of the floorboards made me turn to look away from my phone.

There, my perfect girlfriend was. Standing there in the doorway, but she wasn't wearing anything.

Lord have mercy.

I obviously was checking her out but who wouldn't? And of course I'm respectful so hush.

But my sisters are about to come here any second what is she doing.

"Oh- lizzie wha- what are you doing?"

She bit her lip in a smile and walked over to me. Her breasts bouncing with each step. As she reaches me she grips my jaw and pulls me into a passionate but deep kiss.

I softly moaned into the kiss as she straddled me, gently rocking her hips, trying to gain any amount of friction she can.

"Bab- love, what're yo-,"

"Shhh, baby," after speaking she moved a few opened mouth kissed down to my neck before harshly sucking down, making me squirm, holding back the urge to moan.

"My love, you know I love your noises," she seductively whispered.

I let out a quiet moan, until I remembered my girlfriend is naked and my sisters are probably gonna be knocking on the door in a minute.

"Hm, no- NO," i regained composure as i gripped her hips, stopping them from rolling against me.

"What's wrong?" she smiled and took her bottom lip between her teeth.

"Sweetheart you know I love you, I-I love this," I looked her up and down, "but my sisters are gonna be here soon so-,"

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Lizzie sprinted upstairs while cursing under breath while I giggled and went to open the door.

"Y/n/n!!!!" One of my older sisters squealed as she pulled me in a tight hug while the other squeezed into the hug.

"It's been too long," I huffed out, looking at my older siblings.

"It has." My eldest sister, Sarah, spoke.

"Well, it wouldn't have been if she would get out of her movie star life and see her favourite sister," lucie spoke up teasingly but also sternly.

Both of my sisters were always closer than I was with them, being the youngest it's mainly like that, so when they come over it feels nice.
Sarah is 38 while lucie is 34.

"Sooo, where's this girlfriend you always and only ever speak of?" Sarah asked as I heard someone coming down the stairs.

Sarah and Lucie took there shoes off and began not so discreetly looking around the house, until my green-eyed love walked in, wearing clothes this time.

"Hi darling," I softly spoke as she smiled at me and muttered a hi then turned her body to be facing my sisters a little.

"My love, this is Sarah and Lucie," I began introducing them.

"Sarah, Lucie, thi-,"

"Y/n, you only talk about Elizabeth, It feels to formal for this introduction," Lucie spoke over me before pulling Lizzie into a surprising hug which was reciprocated quickly.

"Please, call me Lizzie,"

A quite noticeable blush appeared on my face, did I really talk about her that much? I questioned internally watching this little interaction with my girlfriend and my sisters.

They start chatting lightly falling into a conversation while I make some teas and coffees for everyone.

——a bit of a time skip——

As my sisters walked into the garden, admiring our outdoor pool and looking at Lizzie's garden, I pulled my girlfriend into a quick kiss and a mixture of pecks onto each other's lips.

"Still horney, princess?" I muttered against her lips, a tinted blush covering her face.

"Love birds stop making out and come speak to your family who flew here to see you," Lucie shouted and teased making me blush along with Lizzie, even more.

Quickly Elizabeth mustered into my ear, "don't try me darling,"

I smirked and fell back into conversation with my sisters, every now and then laughs being shared.

Every now and then I saw Lizzie squeeze her legs together, tonight will be something.. yeah. Something...

Lizzie's POV:

So far everything has been okay in terms with my social anxiety. I thought it would be worse but when they got here everything just felt right. When they called me family, I just couldn't wait for the future, the one with me and y/n, together forever, like always.

Lizzie isn't so innocent though...

She better not try and tease me while her sisters are round because I need her right now.
But maybe I could have some fun, like I said her sisters are here so she won't be able to do anything while they're here...


A/N: don't know if this is any good but here we are😃

Shall I make a part 2 with what happens that night for you strange people or shall I just leave it like this?💀

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