keep your pretty mouth shut* - e.o

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Hope this is okay, it's partly proofread so I'm sorry if there's mistakes

Warnings: smut, praise kink, degrading, teacher(E) X student(R), strap-on use, thigh spanking, face riding, bondage

Word count: 3365



I close the wooden door behind me, slowly walking into her office. My eyes looking everywhere but her, sensing her eyes follow my every movement.

My fingers fiddled with the hem of my short skirt, my legs covered with black tights and my torso covered by a sheer, white blouse, the first few buttons undone. Placing my bag on the floor I look up, seeing her darkened green eyes already staring back at me.

I gulp and instantly look away, timidly walking over to her as she's seated behind her desk that has her usual papers and stationary neatly sorted on the furniture.

She had worn a white suit today, the suit hugging her curves too perfectly, the sight making me involuntarily clench my thighs together every time my eyes had the pleasantry to scour over her.

I had bern ignoring her all day, while also for the past weekend. I had seen her talking ever so closely with another student on Friday so I was maybe a little bit jealous. As I was ignoring her for the weekend, today I flirted with the girl who sits beside me in class, Natasha Romanoff. I had received many glares from Wanda when I was working in class but that's never stopped me before.

"Sit." She demands sternly, gesturing to one of two chairs in front of her desk. I quickly sit down on a chair, finally looking into the blondes eyes.

As much as I was nervous for the conversation about to take place, I couldn't fight off the smirk that placed itself on my lips.

"Is something funny?" She asks, her voice dripping with authority as she crosses her arms over her chest.

"Well, no, but I just think this situation is quite.. amusing, you know?" My smirk only widens as I talk, enjoying how much I'm messing with her.

Her eyebrows raise and her mouth ajar as she tilts her head to the side, chuckling dryly, "drop the attitude, sweetheart, otherwise you won't like what comes after this."

"What will come after this? You will punish me? Put me in my place? Well, I'm sorry to say but you don't affect me that much, Miss Olsen" I may as well start planning my funeral right now.

"God, you're always such a brat. You never know when to shut your big fucking mouth, do you? Always getting yourself into trouble because you think you're in charge, do you think you're special?" she scoffs and clenches her jaw tightly, shaking her head at me.

I shrug and hum softly, "a little bit, yes" I nod gently. She gives me a stern look, "get up, we're going to my place." She orders, standing up out of her seat and picking up her bag, along with a few papers.

"I can't today, but thanks for the invitation" i smirk and look down at my lap, pulling out my phone.

She scoffs and walks over to where I'm seated, she takes hold of my chin between her thumb and forefinger, forcing me look up at her, "unless you want your friends and teachers to hear you screaming my name like the pathetic whore you are, I suggest you should do as I say." I gulp and nod slightly, her touch burning my skin and her words sending a wave of arousal.

A victorious smirk appears on her lips, my little game of messing with her only lasting mere minutes, "See, I knew that little facade you had going on would easily wipe away, so come along and listen to me." She lets go of my chin and walks over to the door, opening it and waiting for me to walk through first.

E.O / W.M - ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now