Snowman - w.m

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even though it's autumn I feel like writing something to do with winter

Word count: 1414



I groan, a weight on my stomach as I begin to hear someone whisper repeatedly: Wanda, wake up, wandaaa, wake up.

I barely open my eyes and see yn straddling my waist with her hands on my shoulders, lightly shaking me out of my slumber.

"Yn, what are you doing?" I croak out, my vocal cords still adjusting. I'm too tired for this.

"Wanda! There's snow! Look, look!" She squeals. I hum and mumble, "okay, let's go back to sleep now and cuddle, moya lyubov,"

She furrows her eyebrows and shakes her head at me. excuse me. I'm sorry I want to go back to sleep and cuddle with you.

"I wanna go and see the snow, come on," she frowns, "pleaseee,"


She didn't want to go and see the snow. Play in the snow. Why.

"Wanda, please, come on" I whine.

"Give me five more minutes," she mutters and pulls me back down next to her, holding me tightly and nuzzling my hair.

I reach my arm to get my phone and go on to the 'clock' app, setting a timer for 5 minutes.

These cuddles are cosy, don't get me wrong, but I would rather be out in the snow with Wanda.

I love the snow. It's perfect, winter is perfect. Snowball fights, wrapped up in blankets, hot chocolate and marshmallows along with millions of cuddles to keep warm.

Who wouldn't love winter?

-exactly 4 minutes and 58 seconds later-

The timer noise goes off, making wanda groan loudly and snuggle me tighter. I stop the annoying sound and wiggle myself in wandas arms, pecking her cheek softly, "come on, wan, please" I pout and do my best puppy eyes.

"Your such a dork" she mumbles and pecks my nose, getting out of our bed with a sigh and searching our wardrobe for an appropriate outfit.

I get out of bed quickly, waiting patiently by the door with my snow boots beside me, "you love me though" I grin.

"I do" she whispers and looks over at me, before putting on some jeans and a top, along with a fluffy sweater and a huge coat.

I giggle quietly at wandas plain expression while she's wrapped up in comfortable garments. "Let's go then, but I swear to God yn don't chuck any snow at me otherwise I'm never going out in the snow with you again. Got it?" She says sternly but a small smile appears on her face while she puts her grey beanie on.

I struggle to hold in my laugh and just nod my head, I'm gonna throw every snowball at her.

As we approach the door I go to open the door but wanda grabs my arm back, "ah, ah, ah" she shakes her head, "if I'm going outside with you I'm not letting you get hyperthermia," she puts my hands facing downwards in front of me and puts on my snow gloves, then does the zip on my coat up.

"When you get cold tell me, okay?"

I nod and smile softly at her, "thank you."

she's cute.

We both go outside and I instantly race around, excitement filling my body.

The small pieces of snow fall while the perfect sound of crunching snow reaches my ears. That sound is heaven.

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